The 20 pictures on this page typically have the size of 300 times 400 pixels. A click on the picture will enlarge it to 600 times 800. The numbers in front of comments correspond to serial numbers of the original shots. Pictures authored by and copyright (c) P. Jakopin.
5765. An afternoon view to the southwest, to the islands, from the road
5767. TELRI Association meeting - members of the board
5769. Vlado Benko explaining, Tomaž Erjavec
5770. The lecture hall with participants of the seminar
5771. Seminarists at the staircase of the venue building
(larger picture, 960 x 1280)
5766. A noon view to the west, to the open sea from the bay below the Fortress
5772. The Golden team - Veronika Řezníčková, Vlado Benko,
Karel Pala, Mária Šimková, František Čermák, Marek Veber,
Aleš Klégr and Petra Tichá
5773. The Barcelona team - Montserrat Arévalo and Montserrat Civit
5782. Prof. John Sinclair delivering the closing lecture on Essence of Meaning,
Prof. Čermák
5783. The home team from Zagreb in the evergreen foliage of the garden:
Ivana Simeon, Krešimir Šojat, Ružica Sirovica, Sandra Celizić,
Marko Tadić, Boško Bekavac
5784. Home team at the staircase, the invincibles
5748. A late afternoon view to the west from the road to Makarska, above Brela