The pictures on this page have the size of 128 times 192 pixels. A click on the picture or its name will enlarge it to 512 times 768. All 25 pictures taken by and copyright (c) P. Jakopin.
Wolfgang Teubert
Heike Rettig
Poul Andersen
Martin Gellerstam
Truus Kruyt
John M. Sinclair
Zygmunt Saloni
Eva Hajičova
Barbora Hladka
František Čermak
Alexandra Jarošova
Ornella Corazzaro
Patrick Paroubek
Andrejs Spektors
Ruta Marcinkevičiene
Haldur Oim
Dan Tufis
Bahri Beci
Julia Pajzs
Bela Kovacs-Karoly
Elena Paskaleva
Iordan Penchev
Varja Cvetko Orešnik
Janez Orešnik
Tomaž Erjavec