Primož Jakopin
Kudrat Poënovič Radžabov
Dehibolo elder
Short portrait


Kudrat in his garden, 2021

          This is a translation of a conversation, held in Russian, in the home of Kudrat Poënovič, whom the author visited accompanied by Sadik Amiraminovič. According to Sadik, three people in Dehibolo spoke Russian well, himself, Kudrat, who is elder and would know the most about the village history, and Nurullo, the man we met several times, but there was never an opportunity for a proper talk. The author was introduced to Kudrat Poënovič by his son Holidin.
          For greater accuracy Cyrillic names were transliterated to the Latin alphabet using the Scientific transliteration of Cyrillic.
Who is Kudrat Poënovič?
          I was born on December 25, 1947 in Dehibolo to father Poën (pron. Poyon) Radžabovič Radžabov, born 1911 and to mother Mahsad Mrzomuradova, born 1925. My grandfather Radžab, father's side, was born about 1870, came from the village Gaza, also in Boysun district (his family came to Gaza from Dushanbe), and married a Dehibolo girl Fazila, my grandmother. Poën and Mahsad had nine children, four boys and five girls.
          To elementary school, from the first class to the eighth, I went in Dehibolo. Classes nine and ten of my further, general education I attended in the town Muzrabad, some 150 km from here.
You returned to Dehibolo?
          Yes, I did. I married Hanifa Inajduloevna, born May 10, 1954, and stayed here all my life. We had eight children, four boys and four girls.
What did you do for a living?
          I was working as a carpenter, I tended my garden, I was building homes, and ... I was teaching Russian in the Dehibolo school for almost 30 years. I retired at 60.
When did people come to Dehibolo?
          Dehibolo was settled many generations ago, by people from Boysun and Dushanbe.
When did Dehibolo get electricity and water? I saw that people fetch the water at two polyethylene tubes close to the top of the road, at the western side of the village.
          The electricity was brought to the village from Kurgancha, in 1984. The water started flowing to the village in 1971 when a tube, the end of which you saw, was installed from the source Hodja Nur, 5 km away up the mountain.
What can you say about Mustafa, the first explorer of Boybuloq?
          His family came to Dehibolo and when Mustafa was two years old, they moved to the village Kerepišnij, Denov district. They have returned in 1959. In October of 1971, Mustafa, a tall and large man, went to Boybuloq cave with his son. He also intended to make a dam just below the cave entrance, so that more water would be available quite near. The same day he entered the cave and never came back. As he did not return to Dehibolo the next day someone from the village went to the cave to look for him. But the guy returned and said that he spoke with Mustafa. Mustafa told him to go home, and that he, Mustafa, is alive and that he will stay in the cave for a while longer.
Are you satisfied with your life?
          Yes, I am. It was a good life.


The family and friends (left to right) in the garden: Bibirobia, Asrorbek, Holida, Kudrat's daughter, Marvia, Holida's daughter, Kudrat, Hanifa, his wife, Rahmudin. Dehibolo, August 14, 2021, by P. Jakopin



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This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin. Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). The page was initiated on September 30, 2021. Last correction: December 5, 2021.
