Pictures are 266 times 400 pixels in size, a click on an image reveals a 533 times 800 pixel version. Numbers in front of the pictures correspond to serial numbers of original shots. Cave parts have been named by the author, labels in and out refer to the viewing direction - either from the entrance towards the end of the cave or from the inside towards the entrance. Complete names of the fellow cavers who also contributed to the pictures: Jernej Petrovčič - Jerko, Petra Gostinčar and Andrej Drevenšek. Photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2007.
12188. Jerko unlocking the gate above the cave entrance
12189. Petra during descent in the Big Hall, above the bottom of the abyss
12190. Petra and Jerko waiting for Andrej, to complete his voyage down the rope
12192. The Siphon Hall, a view towards the spring of the strem, Petra
12193. The Siphon Hall, view of the siphon, Andrej
12194. Pans on the slope above the siphon
12195. The Siphon Hall, a view from the incoming tunnel, Andrej
12197. Cross section of the side tunnel at the collapse, which leads to the siphon, a view in, Petra
12198. Cross section of the side tunnel at the collapse, which leads to the siphon, a view out, Petra
12199. Triangle-shaped pan in the Main Gallery, Jerko
12200. Pans along the path in the Main Gallery, a view out
12201. Cross section of the Main Gallery, a view in, without additional illumination further on, Petra
12202. Cross section of the Main Gallery, a view in, without front illumination, Petra and Andrej
12203. The lake below the collapse of the Main Hall, a view in, Andrej
12204. Relay anchor at the top of the abyss, close to the ceiling of the Big Hall, Petra
12207. Petra ascending in the cave entrance
12208. Between the two pine trees at the junction on Vajzova pot, Petra, Jerko and Andrej