Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Vrh Hrvatov, Nad stenami
February 18, 2007, 4 photos

Most pictures are 266 times 400 pixels in size, a click on an image usually reveals a 533 times 800 pixel version. Numbers in front of the pictures correspond to serial numbers of original shots. Complete names of the fellow cavers who contributed to some pictures: France Šušteršič, Janez Kanoni - Žan and Marjan Baričič. Photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2007.

Vrh Hrvatov


12374. Žan, Marjan and France at the entrance of Maticova jama


12375. Žan, close to Matijatova jama


Nad stenami


12376. A view through a hollow tree trunk to the Unica river


12377. A view from Razgledišče (Bellevue) to the south


Page prepared by Primož Jakopin, for comments please click here. Page posted on February 18, 2007. Date of last change: February 19, 2007.