Primož Jakopin, photo diary

2008 Gala Opening of the Planinska jama Cave
April 6, 4 pictures

Most pictures are 266 x 400 pixels in size, some of them can be clicked to get a bigger, 533 x 800 pixel version. Numbers in front of photo descriptions are the serial numbers of the original images. Full names of persons on the pictures: Jernej Petrovčič - Jerko. Photo and copyright (c) P. Jakopin 2008.


Parking lot at the access road


13430. Jerko and ? during the single-rope technique demonstration


At the confluence


13431. The Novak? family on the plateau


13432. Pollution foam in the riverbed below the confluence


At the cave entrance


13433. Rapids below the cascade


This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to Page posted on April 8, 2008; date of last change April 9.

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