Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Vranja jama and Mačkovica caves, Laze village
February 20, 2014, 47 pictures

Pictures are aproximately 533 x 800 pixels in size. Numbers in front of the photo descriptions are the serial numbers of the original images. The bearded person with caving helmet is Jožek Košir - Cox. Photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2014.


20256. It all started with a breakfast of millet porridge with ground poppy seeds, mango, bananas, red seddless grapes, grapes, kiwis, raspberries and soaked cranberries


From Kališka cesta road to Vranja jama cave


20257. The trunk of a large beech tree on the northern side of Kališka cesta road, at the spot where the trail up to Jama Kloka cave and down to Najdena jama cave begin, broke about 4 meters above ground because of sleet.



20258. The trail from Kališka cesta to Najdena jama cave, view east



20259. To the northwest of the clearing near Najdena jama cave, on the right side of the trail, there is Brezno pod lusko cave. It is an excavated pit, as seen on the melted snow, it is also a blowhole.



20260. Two uprooted spruce trees near the entrance of Najdena jama cave



20261. The entrance



20262. Entrance of Najdena jama cave, up close



20263. Tevje, Hacquetia epipactis in the entrance



20264. At the other side of the base of an uprooted spruce, with a small dry spruce broken over it



20265. Old clearing looks really well cleared after a sleet damage.



20266. On the trail from Skednena jama to Vranja jama caves



20267. Christmas rose, Helleborus niger, črni teloh in Slovenian, bloom found its place amidst a mess of broken branches.



Vranja jama cave


20268. Freezing rain filled the pores in the northwestern part of the collapse of Vranja, in the rock wall which serves as a caving ascent/descent training ground and many new rocks, easily discernible by the terra-rossa color of their sides, are now situated below the wall.



20269. The place in the wall where the rocks recently fell from



20270. View of the Vranja entrance hall and the chimney above it from the collapse slope



20271. Normally dry huge entrance hall, a human figure is for scale lower left on the bank, is now a large lake.



20273. Earth filled niche on the other side is usually accessible by climbing the wall, now it is on the bank and can serve as the water level marker.



20274. Available light view to the Suhi row / Dry tunnel (left) entrance - the tunnels which lead to Mrzla jama cave (center) and down to the syphon (center right), are now way below the surface of the lake.



20275. Another view of cave continuations, painted with a LED flashlight



20276, 7, 8. Panoramic view of the lake



20279. The rock from which the previous picture was taken.



20280. Možic / inuksuk left to mark the current water level.



20281. View of the cave entrance from inside out



20282. Three snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis



20283. Above the place where the trail begins to descend into the collapse, a twin-trunked beech tree now lost one of its halves.



From Vranja jama cave to the paved road Logatec - Laze


20284. The clearing at the end of Vajzova cesta forest road, filled with tree trunks not long ago, is currently rather empty.



20285. Entrance of would-be Lapertova jama cave, excavated to a depth of 7.5 meters - 2.5 meters more to go for a registered cave.



20286. Gloves and nicely cut, half a centimeter thick spruce cross section, left by a lumberjack who liked its image so much that he cared to make the precise cut and to leave behind what he made.



20287. 10 or 20 kV power line was broken down by sleet and its wires are now kept at the roadfloor by two planks to prevent trouble for passing vehicles.



20288. Sleet lowered an aerial telephone cable and a wooden stick now supports it to the height of a usual passenger car.



Mačkovica cave


20289. It used to be just a short walk from the road to the entrance but now a considerable gymnastics is required to get over all the fallen trees and branches - cave entrance is in the background.



20290. The trail to the entrance



20292. Uprooting of a beech above the entrance brought debris to the trail.



20295, 6. Panoramic view of Mala dvorana / Little Hall, now a nice lake. Further passage, on the left, is barely possible, on the rims of sinter pans.



20294. Half sunken concretions dome, at the east of the hall, painted with a LED flashlight from the camera standpoint



20293. The dome, light-painted from the right



Laze under rising water


20297. The road to Planina is now submerged right into the village. Here is the same view in dry non-winter time.



20298. Of all the roadsigns only a bicycle trail signpost, shown from front in the picture 20307, is above the water level.



20300. The house Laze 1, probably the eldest in the village, is now just above the water level. Its balcony, shown here, is known for old stories in the village about how high the floods used to get many, many years ago. One of the stories was that the water was so high that the villagers used to tie their boats to the depicted balcony.



20299. View south from the top of the road. Next picture was taken from the same standpoint.



20301. View north to Lošč, the valley between the two parts of the village. The dry land, part of the road between the previous and this picture, is only 80 cm above the water. If it would sink, Jakovica and part of Laze would become an island again.



20302. View to stare Laze / old Laze



20304. Road to Jakovica is now deeply submerged.



20307. Bicycle signpost is all that is left of 5 at the southern village entrance.



20308. Laze 3, the home of ceramics workshop, village museum and Laze gallery (left) is now just 33 cm above the water (ground floor level).



20309. View across Lošč



20310. View of the lake with Planina (right) and Cerje (left) from the road Laze - Ivanje selo, in the evening twilight



  From Tkalca jama to Planinska jama caves, Feb 14     Planina, Planinska jama, Feb 21  

This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to Page posted on February 20, 2014; date of last change February 22.