Images are approximately 533 x 800 in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the originals (2048 x 3072 pixels). Full names of persons in the pictures: Tomaž Planina, Marina Pintar, Maja Zagmajster, Jure Košutnik - Ðuro, Tomaž Miklavčič - Boni, France Šušteršič, Andrej Drevenšek - Vrtnar, Matic di Batista - Diba, ALeksandra Privšek - Jerca and others.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2014
20571. Event was presided by Marina, accompanied by Tomaž and Maja.
20567. Reports from chairs of various bodies of the grotto administration and economy came first - here the report of the secretary.
20566. Some members honoured the event with their presence minutes after the ceremonial opening; Boni.
20570. Many cavers are also devoted mountaineers. From the picture it is clear that March sunrays, enhanced by the reflections from the snow and higher altitude, are already quite strong.
20565. After the reports the discussion was open and France addressed the distinguished audience. After congratulations for DZRJL achievements in 2013, especially the rejuvenation of the centennial hunt for Lipertova jama cave, also proposed the continuation of a long open important excavation on the Laze - Bistra direction by younger members in case the time would cut short the efforts of the elder generation.
20564. Excerpt from a letter by one of the outstanding members of DZRJL, who was born a year after the author of another famous book: Dark Alleys, the only book in the history of ... literature devoted entirely to the concept of love obtained the Nobel prize. The letter was an invitation to a forthcoming birthday celebration, for the inner circle of long-time hiking companions (Velebitaši), and shows that today's school handwriting is no match for the old-school.
20568. A bright and merry mood prevailed, as shown by Andrej ...
20569. ... Anže ...
20572. ... and Diba with Jerca ...
20573. .. when Ðuro, the president-elect, accepted the responsible duty with a humorous, insightful and invigorating address.
Rakov Škocjan, Mar 9 Rakov Škocjan, Mar 14