Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Plava špilja / Blue Cave
Luštica Peninsula, Montenegro
August 9, 2014, 19 pictures

Most pictures are aproximately 800 x 533 pixels in size. Numbers in front of the photo descriptions are the serial numbers of the original images. Photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2014.


From Uvala Veslo (veslo is oar in English) cove to Plava špilja / Blue Cave and back


22352. View of the southern cave entrance from an inflatable canoe



22358 - 22360. Stitched panoramic inside view of the cave, from the southern entrance to the western one. The rock lower left is one of the two that divide the second, smaller hall from the main hall.



22353. Most vistors arrive through the western entrance on small tourist boats departing from Žanjice, some 10 minute ride to the north of the cave. The boats are usually attached to one of the metal eyelets, fixed to the ceiling, to prevent collision with the cave walls, and stay for a quarter to half an hour so the passengers have time to jump and swim around. In the peak summer months it is usually very crowdy from 10 o'clock in the morning till late afternoon.



22368. A boat in front of the southern entrance, view from the cave



22361. View of the southern entrance, from the cave



22362. Small boats in the western part of the main hall, most attractive because of ample illumination, coming from the larger western entrance



22365. At the eastern side of the main hall two large rocks divide the hall from the smaller, more interior one, which again continues to the east in an smaller third chamber; view of the rocks from the northeast.



22366. Closer look of the two rocks from the northeast; the lower rock can be climbed from the water and on its inner side it is also a good place to attach a small dinghy.



22363. On top of the lower rock there is room for two persons and the photo gear.



22369. View of the rocks from the southwest



22367. Light passing through the western entrance makes nice reflections on the cave floor and on the side walls.



22370. Swimmers in the western entrance



22371. When it gets crowdy in the main hall minor boat collisions are commonplace.



22372. A tourist boat is just passing through the western entrance - the ceiling clearance is about 3 meters.



A few scenes showing the access to southern entrance and boating in the cave


22375. View southwest from below the natural bridge on the southern side of the cove Uvala Mala gora



22398. Southwestern view of the Cave Behind the Boulders entrance in Uvala Mala gora



22399. Returning to the cove Uvala Veslo



22401. On the cape of Uvala Veslo there is a nice camping which is the best starting point for visiting the cave on your own. Zlatna uvala / Golden Cove to the north of the cave is closer, but is now leased and inaccessible to general public. The Velje Veslo camping only has sea access on the southern side of the cove so it is advisable that the camp owner asks the neighbours if you can pass over their land to the shore on the northern side of the cape. This shortens the sea trip considerably.



22402. View of Uvala Veslo cove from the paved access road



  Shkodër / Skadar, Albania, August 5     Najdena jama Cave, September 10  

This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to Page initiated on August 15, 2014; date of last change October 15.