Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Zelške jame Caves
Excursion of the Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
24 September 2015, 16 pictures

Most images are approximately 533 x 800 pixels in size, click on some group photos brings an enlargement of about 1066 x 1600 pixels. The numbers in front of the picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. Excursion participants (in random order): Dimitar Hristovski, Maja Pohar Perme, Janez Stare, Miha Elsner, Emil Hudomalj, Lara Lusa, Jure Dimec, Branimir Šešelja, Andreja Tepavčević, Maja Kunstelj, Aleš Leskovšek, Jure Pesko, Klemen Pavlič, Nataša Kejžar, Iztok Humar and the author of these lines.
Photos taken by and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2015, except the pictures 27735 and 27736, taken by and copyright (c) Klemen Pavlič.


27733. It all started with a hearty breakfast: couscous porridge with pears, homegrown grapes, bananas, plums and soaked dry cranberries.




27734. Excursion participants on the trail in the Brlog collapse, not far from the cave entrance.




27735 (cropped). In the big hall at the end of the Southern Tunnel it was photo time.




27736 (cropped). Branko and Andreja carefully passing the camera.




27739. The ten best equipped managed to come to this beauty of a curtain ...




27737 (cropped). ... where, after overcoming some modern photo wizardry problems, the dedicated team ...




27738. ... managed, in about the fifth of the ever better tries, without any automatic flash triggering, to get this group photo.




27744. At about halfway of the Southern Tunnel the fresh rainfall flooded the lower lying hall and we had to stop at this water pool,




27743. which was not passable for all of us. It required longer rubber boots.




27742. Group photo at the dry side of the pool, Jure provided the principal illumination.




27745. Miha and Emil at the jump which we overcame with the help of a rope.




27746. The cave is known not only for dripstone drapery but also for white harder rock inlays, hanging from the ceiling. Probably the most famous is this "lock" scene in the Dvorana s ključavnico / Lock Hall.




27748. Janez in the side tunnel window into the collapse below the Mali naravni most / Little Natural Bridge




27749. Group photo in the Northern Tunnel, side illuminated, very high key




27750. The same scene, front illuminated




27751. At the end we also visited the little cave in the wall of the last (downstream) hall, high above the Rak river. The looks of low gated entrance to Southern Tunnel turned Mitko away, he decided to admire the surface charms of the Rakov Škocjan valley during the underground part of the trip. But for the final leg of the excursion, the little cave, where daylight connects both entrances, he joined the party, and, as can be seen here, he enjoyed it.




  Underground Defense Complex in Parknú Bay, Ilovik Island, September 12     La Biennale di Venezia 2015, October 14  

This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on September 24, 2015; date of counter reset and last change: February 25, 2017.
