Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Annual General Meeting of DZRJL / Ljubljana Grotto
Airraid Shelter on Luize Pesjakove Street
March 3, 2016, 13 pictures

Most pictures are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Full names of persons pictured: Gregor - Stari and Marina Pintar, Jure Košutnik - Ðuro (DZRJL President), Marjan Baričič, Matija Perne, Matej Blatnik, Teo Delić, Behare Rexhepi - Beki, Primož Presetnik - Pipistrel, Uroš Kunaver, Andrej Drevenšek - Vrtnar, Jaka Flis, Matic di Batista - Diba, Tomaž - Garmin and Aleksandra Kranjc - Jerca, Tomi Lajovic - Tomac, Riko and Rok Grecs, Marko Vogrič - Mare, Špela Borko, Nataša Sivec, Armin Krivec, Tomaž Šuštar - Ikarus ...

All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2016.



29034. Tomac - as always - followed the flow of events from the shelter door.



29013 - 29016. Panoramic view of the audience, the Prez is just opening the meeting



29018 - 29023. Panoramic view of the presiding triumvirate: Mare, Stari and Nataša - with Ikarus in unusually peaceful company at left, the secretary and the cashier at the right.



29024. The Prez during his glossy report of the events in the past year



29025. Attentive members in the last row, northern side: Riko, Marjan, Marina and Andrej



29026. Diba delivered the report of main explorations from a cellphone memo.



29017. Beki, the rising star. In one year she made it from the caving school to the deepest high mountain shafts.



29029. Matej during his concise contribution



29028. Matija, despite the absence overseas for good part of the year, still scored very high on the top list of excursion attendance.



29030. Jerca noticed the increased spending in the past year, connected to lots of new equipment, purchased to aid the exploration of quite a few new, deeper and deeper alta montagna underground venues.



29031. Pipistrel accompanied his paper on cadastre activity with detailed and colourful diagrams.



29032. Armin, a supporter of Najdena/Lipertova jama cave system explorations, is also aspiring to revive the DZRJL's diving section



29033. Špela, society's top member in many areas, evaluated the cave safety issues.



  Aquarelles by Jože Ciuha, February 26     Galacijevka Cave Canal, Day 7, March 10  

This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on March 3, 2016; date of counter reset and date of last change: February 25, 2017.
