Images are approximately 683 x 1024 in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2016.
29942. The main church in town, modern Iglesia de La Encarnación de Haría at the end of the plaza, view down the nave
29943. On Saturdays from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. the Artisanal Fair in Haría takes place. We succeeded in visiting the second one. In the picture - a leather purse (about 40 euros) with the typical Lanzarote sun motif
29944. View north through the plaza market to the church on its northern side
29945. Poster of the watercolor artist Marta Orozco
29946. German-Swiss trio Mambé performing
29947. Street artist (a lady) in movement with long paper ribbons
29948. On the wall of the cooperative, adjacent to the church there were schematic paintings of all Canary islands with their Guanche names. Titeroga Kaet for Lanzarote,
29949. Herbania for Fuerteventura,
29950. Chinet for Tenerife,
29951. Gomera,
29952. Ecero for Hierro,
29953. and Benahuare for La Palma. Gran Canaria was hidden behind a large cupboard.
29990 - 29991. Panoramic view of the whole jameo collapse from the southeast, from the access trail
29955. A group of four hikers (two couples approaching the best years) from Belgium who live and work in Lanzarote from 2014 (they do not regret a single day spent here) on return from the western cave, just about to reach the collapse rim
29980 - 29987. Panoramic view of the collapse from the foot of the climb down the rim with the western (left) and eastern cave entrances
29994. The last ferry from La Graciosa to Lanzarote this day, Princesa Yaiza of Lineas Maritimas Romero, climbing from the wave ...
29995. ... levelling itself,
29996. falling into a gap between two waves ...
29997. ... rising up again ...
29998. ... and descending into waves once again.
30001. The beach, the sea and the cliff
30005. The beach, the waves, a seagull and extinct volcanos of La Graciosa on the horizon
30006. The beach with the spilling waves, the sky
30007. Signpost at the village entrance from the south
30008. The house we lived in - western corner of the inner yard
30009. The table and chairs in the yard
30012. Lizard sculpture on a rooftop tile, a decoration above the yard fireplace
30014. Heart of the kitchen as seen from the entrance corridor
30015. Part of bathroom with the wash basin and the mirror
30016. The shower
30017. Bidet and toilet
30018. Living room with an exit to the western yard corner - the least used room in the house
30020. Entrance hall with the house door
Playa La Francesa, Isla La Graciosa, April 29 Arrecife, Lanzarote, May 1
This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on July 7, 2016; date of counter reset and date of last change: February 25, 2017.