Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who also contributed (this way or another) to the making of the pictures: Gregor and Marina Pintar, Marjan Baričič, Blaž Fleišman, Janez Ileršič - Ile, Jure Trenz, Tomaž Kranjc - Garmin, Matej Blatnik - Kivi, Matic Di Batista - Diba, Ana Kuščer, Jan Tin Petkovšek, Tine Petkovšek, Dean Pestator, France Šušteršič, Janez Kanoni - Žan, Andrej Drevenšek, Teja Čeru, Anže Oblak, Jure Kunaver - Vili, Anton Brancelj, Matija Perne and Primož Jakopin - Klok.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2016.
30306. Three DZRJL top cavers, all visited the deepest Slovenian beach, Copacabana at -1240 m: Garmin, Matej (with a new hairdo) and Matic
30308. View out into the green canopy of a sunny spring day: Ana and Jan Tin
30311. Outer Galacijevka team at the table below the awning: Ile and Jure with Andrej, their guest, before he departed to Najdena jama Cave
30310. Author's lunch: beef soup with noodles, garlic, cooked beans, apple compote, bread, blueberry jam (the latter three not shown)
30312. Blaž at a small shrine before the first canal at - 24 m
30314. The shrine with the picture of Viljem Putik, who started the Lanski vrh mystery with his long lost Lipertova jama Cave nearly 150 years ago
30317. Blaž
30319. Gregor in the final meander - view out
30321. Marina digging at the excavation front, view in
30326. Blaž was the first to enter and overcome this very inconvenient horizontal traverse/squeeze above the first inner shaft (3 m). His enterprise was accidental - Marina returned from the excavation front after the last rock fall and as Blaž was quite cold because of long waiting in a wet part of the meander Gregor suggested that Blaž crawls over to the end and sees what are the future prospects. Blaž was glad to obey and made it into the new part of the cave. In the picture - Blaž on the other side of the traverse, view in
30327. Marina below the step at the end of the meander, view out
30328. Marjan and Blaž on the other side of the traverse, available light
30329. Marina and Gregor on the natural bridge between the two parallel shafts
30330. Slightly burnt out view of the chimney above the little hall
30332. View from the natural bridge to Marina (above) and Gregor, examining the small meander, very likely cave continuation
30334. Still life with Marina's cave climbing belt, available light
30335. Blaž on the natural bridge
30337. Cave continuation, infallibly indicated by a strong air current, is another narrow meander into which a tiny stream of water trickles forward.
30338. Another view of the final meander, the new ground zero at about - 50 m
30340. Another view up the chimney, to the upper part of the hall with two shafts at the bottom
30341. Tine and his gloved hand, available light
30342. 38 people visited Najdena jama cave on that day and Tine was the only one who paid us a visit. He was rewarded by being the sixth caver to eyewitness the new discovery. In the picture - Tine peeking over the first shaft, just before the traverse (the picture is positioned correctly).
30343. Jure, with a marble of flowstone in hand that France found on the track but which probably emanates from the pile of sand Žan brought with his tractor for awning construction; Dean.
30345. Marjan during a break in the tarpaulin shade, Marjan the member of Galacijevka top team, Marjan as he is
30346. Fire at the fireplace, with an embers-covered conical pot on tripod (right behind) where Anže was making some culinary surprise.
30347. Marjan in the shade, elated
30348. Andrej and Teja, with a little bit of Anže, in candid conversation
30349. A Mt. Kanin geospecialist and a frog photography grandmaster, Vili and Anton
30350. Matija showed ...
30351. ... that climbing is possible without ropes, too.
30352. View of the venue from the east. Most spruces, prevalent tree species before 2014, are now gone, and deciduous trees, beeches and hornbeams, are making a slow but steady recovery.
Galacijevka Cave Canal, Day 16, May 18 Mosaics of Jože and Peter Ciuha, June 8
This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on May 29, 2016; date of counter reset and date of last change: February 25, 2017.