Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 12
... non vi, sed saepe cadendo

September 29, 2016, 30 pictures

Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who all contributed to the making of these pictures: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod Di Batista, Marjan Baričič, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Janez Ileršič - Ile, Jure Trenz, Rok Brajkovič - Brajko, Andrej Drevenšek - Vrtnar and Marko Krašovec.

All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2016.


Članska vas at Najdena jama


32546. After 3 weeks again at the table in Članska vas: Brajko, Ile, Marjan, Metod, Manč, Jure and Žan



32547. A snack: curd, bread, garlic, Frutek apricot and pear jam, diluted pear juice



32548. Manč in his clean, stylish leisure wear outfit



Cave Entrance


32549. Manč is checking the power plug.



32550. Metod and Brajko at the cave entrance, view from the north



32551. Cave entrance from the southeast, with the considerable pile of excavated rocks



Članska vas at Najdena jama


32552. Žan and Marjan are mounting a decorative window which Marjan brought by train.



32553. View of the site from the roof of the gazeebo



32554. Žan and Marjan are making the frame for the corner wall.



The Trail from Članska vas to Cave Entrance


32560. The author of these lines stumbled quite often on dry branches, forest cleanup leftovers, over which we made the trail to cave entrance. Some time ago he cleared the worst 20 m and now, what is enough is too much, the remaining 20 m of bad trail came into play. In the picture: the newly cleared trail section.



32559. A pile of dry branches, removed from the trail



32555. Marjan on the trail, on his way to the cave



32556. Some passer-by with an inclination to jokes turned the power off and Žan was called over the cave phone to fix the problem. On return he took the dry branches of deciduous trees stacked by the author as they are suitable for the barbecue.



32557. A selfie from a spruce stump



32558. The vast forest clearing, established after the sleet disaster in February 2014, is now all covered with dense downy veil.



Članska vas at Najdena jama


32561. Žan and Ile are covering the window sides with wood slabs.



32562. Andrej brought a most welcome paprika and tomato contribution to the menu from his garden ...



32563. ... including hot and spicy chili peppers.



32564. Lunch: beef soup with grated spelt noodles, garlic, bread, plum compote



Around Ground Zero at -15 m


32565. Andrej, about to slide down to the excavation front ...



32566. ... where he replaced Manč.



32567. Andrej in action. Rock is cracked but without brute force it has no intention to give up.



32568. Andrej at the end of the worksite. The helmet top right is the author's, serves to illuminate the scene from the side.



32569. Manč at the beginning of descent to ground zero



32570. Metod in the only place with standing height, on his way out



32571. A carabus beetle, probably Carabus glabratus, or, maybe, Carabus croaticus



Članska vas at Najdena jama


32573. Gazeebo now has the northern corner, where the strong wind is expected in the winter, covered.



32572. Corner up close, with Žan peeking through the window (only one of the four openings has a glass)



32574. Two new acquisitions: a brush to clean the table and a carpenter's hammer, donated by Marko



32575. Brajko and Marjan have dug a hole for another roof supporting pillar - it could prevent a collapse in case of heavy snow.



  Mala Planina and Velika Planina / Little Pasture and Big Pasture Plateaus in the Kamnik Alps, September 25     Maestro Ljuben Dimkaroski, 1952 - 2016, September 30  

This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on September 29, 2016; date of last change October 28.
