Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2016.
33653. View of the Waterfall No. 1
33655. Lower part of the Waterfall No. 2 ...
33654. ... and its upper part
33656. A cascade between the waterfalls 2 and 3
33657 - 33660. Vertical panoramic view of the Waterfall No. 3
33662. A cascade above the third waterfall
33663 - 33664. Vertical panoramic view of the Waterfall No. 4
33665. Side view of the central part of this waterfall
33666. Downstream view of the upper part of the gorge from the trail
33667 - 33670. Panoramic view of the Waterfall No. 5
33671. Central part of the Waterfall No. 5
33672. Ice pattern in the stream below the waterfall
33674. The gorge was in the shadow, cold, below zero, while the rim of the gorge was bathing in the sun.
33676. View north-northwest with hamlet Pristava in the shadow and Lašče still in the sun
33678. A small cascade on the way back
33679. A logger with artistic aspirations made slightly longer stumps and turned them into a row of mushrooms.
33680. Spruce stump-mushroom up close
Članska vas Village, New Year Reunion, December 29 Otavščica Creek, January 1, 2017
This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on December 31, 2016; date of last change January 6, 2017.