Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Full names of persons, known to the author and depicted in the pictures: Radmila's son and grandson, Peter and Jakob Ciuha, Senka Hočevar Ciuha, of Peter, and Andrej Pohleven, a friend and Peter's fellow artist. All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2017.
33953. View of the inside
33954. The additional flower cart on its way
33955 - 33957. Peter's farewell speech was emotional, yet most subtle, imaginative and inspiring
33959 - 33952. Panoramic view of the funeral procession
33963. The grave
33964. At the open grave - during the farewell song (lady on the left), Senka and Peter
33966. Jakob and his girlfriend, Andrej, Senka and Peter with friends
33970. Family's wreath
33972. A red carnation
33973. Another lovely wreath
33974. Yellow gerbera and blue iris
33975. Lilies and carnations
33976. Five white roses
Radoshitza Cave, Day 25, January 18 Radoshitza Cave, Day 26, January 25
This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
Page initiated on January 24, 2017; date of last change February 25.