Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
All the pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.
34325. Information board at the small parking lot, at the NW end of Dobec, at the side of the road Dobec - Pokojišče
34327. The church of St. Leonard (cerkev. sv. Lenarta in Slovenian) is a nice viewpoint to the south.
34358. Fountain at the roadside
34359. A pond, once used for livestock watering
34324. View south towards Cerkniško jezero lake (hidden behind the hills, center left) and Javorniki mountain chain above it
34360. The trail forks off the road Dobec - Pokojišče at this green waymark.
34328. Trail sign on a tree trunk
34330. The first attraction, some 20 m below the trail, is Gabrovška jama cave, cad. nr. 378, known for beautiful concretions. It is locked, but there is no information in sight, around the entrance or on the Internet, about when and how it could be visited. The padlock is rusty and tree roots have grown around the side of the iron door grate, firmly fastening it. From the data, available on the web, the cave was opened for tourist visits in 1934 - the year is also engraved in the metal plate at the grate side. It seems the cave was not entered in years.
34331. Door grate up close
34329. Entrance shaft is equipped with a fixed metal ladder and protective rings around it - view through the metal bars.
34332. Cave entrance, under a large beech tree
34333. Crawling is not necessary to get in, bending the head and shoulders will do.
34336. View of the entrance from the cave slope ...
34335. ... and of the eastern side of the hall, dotted with concretions, from the bottom
34334. The hall is quite spacious - view from the entrance. At the right side of the bottom there is a passage to the Lower hall.
34337. Concretions in the chimney - on-camera flash ...
34338. ... and available light
34340. Large stalagmite, next to ...
34339. ... this flowstone wall
34341. View of the Lower hall from the bottom, towards the Upper hall
34342. Lesser horseshoe bat, mali podkovnjak in Slovenian, Rhinolophus hipposideros during the hybernation; 4 were observed in the cave
Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 29, February 22 Zdratnik jama Cave, February 26
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
Page initiated on February 26, 2017; date of last change March 1.