Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod Di Batista, Gregor Pintar - Stari, Marjan Baričič, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Andrej Drevenšek - Vrtnar, Rok Brajkovič - Brajko, Marko Vogrič - Mare and Jure Trenz.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.
34393. A mid-morning snack: curd, bread, garlic, apricot and pear jam, aronia juice
34394. Brajko and Mare, who is pulling ...
34398. ... a bucket from the shaft ...
34399. ... over the pulley, fastened by this elaborate, triple-secured rigging arrangement.
34395. Brajko emptied it ...
34397. ... and another one, with bigger stones.
34396. Žan came for a brief inspection, here he is checking the entrance rain-cover tarpaulin supporting rope.
34400. The sun, here depicted in reflections from the ground and the automotive sheet metal bodies, is getting stronger by the day and the snow that fell overnight is melting fast.
34403. There was no air current detected as the outer and inner temperatures are about the same. Tevje (it has no proper English name), Hacquetia epipactis, above the entrance, is just about to start blooming.
34402. The inviting black, unfolding step by step as you come closer, a promise of unknown to be discovered
34404. Spring really is in the air - the primrose buds are popping up.
34405. A pair of tinder fungi, Fomes fomentarius, on a dead beech tree, broken during the February 2014 sleet
34406. Unica river is splitting into two branches before hitting the Pod stenami sinkholes
34408. Snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis, zvončki (little bells) in Slovenian, in full bloom
34409. Western of the two sinkholes, widened, deepened and furnished with metal framework that prevent driftwood clogging by Viljem Putik and his team at the end of 19th century, katavotron in Slovenian, is almost clear, debris free; view from the north.
34410. View of the western katavotron from the west - it takes all of the western Unica stream, the flow ends here.
34412. View from the southern riverbank
34411. A close view of the stream which thunders down the 9 m shaft in regular jet patterns.
34414. Unica before the split up, with Mt. Planinska gora on the horizon
34415. Christmas rose, Helleborus niger, črni teloh in Slovenian, with a white bloom and a dangerous black root
34416. The sky with the sun peeking through the clouds
34418. It was another jubilee Radošca edition, 30, and Jure brought two sparkling celebrities for the occasion, a homegrown Cuvée Princesse from the Bizeljsko region, and Русское Игристое from the slopes of the Black Sea coast.
34419. Manč: Did we make it this time or didn't we?
34420. Sure we did it, and how!
34421. Jure with a glass tankard, it is empty but evidently left a rich after taste.
34422. Veggie plate, enriched with kiwi plus oatmeal cookies and plum jam
34423. A new Članska vas amenity, a bird house made by Žan, was installed today on a beech tree to the west, 4 m above ground.
34425. Mare, startled ...
34426. ... and back in his element
34427. Marjan, on the upper side of the bucket transport chain
34428. Metod in one of decisive moments which took the photographer by surprise.
34438 - 34441. After the skeleton crew left the ground zero it was time to check the recent advances. The access to the last major bend was clear but on the other side of the bend some clearing of the tunnel bottom was in order. One hour later and 3 buckets worth of rocks, moved to the upper side of the bend, ...
34435. ... the following view of the final squat-sized chamber opened up. The entrance of continuation, center left, was also clear. But it was not a vertical hole as expected, but ...
34431. ... a slope with a little puddle at the end. The air current was coming from the hole behind the face-profile-like rock, center left.
34442. Excavation crew at the table: Gregor, Marjan, Andrej and Metod. It was tough today, because of recent rains the cave was very wet but the new power hammer (a DZRJL grotto contribution to Radošca effort) and the vigor of the team led to an outstanding result. Rock, shattered during the past two excursions, finally gave in and the chamber we were only able to look at is now fully accessible.
Zdratnik Cave Entrance, February 26 Annual General Meeting of DZRJL / Ljubljana Grotto, March 2
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on March 3, 2017; date of last change: March 8.