Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures, one way or the other: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Gregor Pintar - Stari, Marjan Baričič, Rok Brajkovič - Brajko, Maksim Igor Košir - Ičo, Jure Trenz and Teja Čeru.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.
35035. Bukov kozliček, Morimus funereus (there is no English name for this beetle) on the outer board of the gazebo
35034. Žan is closing a gap in planking at the northern door.
35036. View southwest over the Babni dol valley, with Jakovica hill (left) and Planinska gora in the background
35037. Dandelion, Taraxacum oficinale, regrat in Slovenian, жълтурче in Bulgarian, with a pasturing bee
35039. Hanging rock, Sword of Damocles, at the end of the entrance tunnel, view out
35038. View towards the shaft entrance from the cave bottom, available light
35041. View towards the shaft entrance from the upper part of the cave, available light aided by painting with light
35042. Ceiling strata in the passage to the north, illuminated from the side
35044. Ičo, Brajko (fresh from the Spanish east coast hinterland bienes raíces scouting), Jure and Žan in the yard
35045. Marjan just returned from the cave duty.
35046. Gregor started the quest to identify the plant he is pointing his finger to ...
35047. ... common consensus was that it is not wild rose.
35049. The lunch depicted here - vegetable stew with potatoes and pork, pancakes, peach jam and aronia juice ...
35048. ... was followed by the Članska vas staple, the barbecue.
35050. Čevapčiči on a plate, close view - the best dish there is for many, a somewhat different story for the others.
35051. Gregor is recounting his wonderful cave digging experience on Mt. Rombon, years ago. We were advancing in the solid rock, half a meter per hour, the end of the narrow meander was in sight all the time, excavated material was falling down by itself. In short - Milina! (pure pleasure).
35052. Five-leaflet bitter-cress, Cardamine pentaphyllos, peterolistna konopnica in Slovenian
35054. Many larger groves of this flower, such as the one depicted here, popped up since last week, especially in the more shadowy places, also around the rim of Radošca collapse.
35053. Today the cave had to do without photographer's visit. A birthmark on the left shoulder, above the scapula, was badly bruised in the entrance shaft climbing during previous excursions and some recovery time was advised.
35055. View of Članska vas from the northwest
35057. A few weeks ago Žan installed a small school board, last week Klok brought a few pieces of colored chalk and today Marjan used it to draw a heart and an arrow. Žan, naughty as ever, did not need much time to add two names to the heart, as can be seen certainly not what Marjan had in mind.
Vranja jama and Skednena jama Caves, April 8 Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 36, April 19
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on April 15, 2017; date of last change: April 19.