Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 49

July 19, 2017, 26 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures or were otherwise connected: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod Di Batista, Janez Ileršič - Ile, Jure Trenz, Mira and France Šušteršič, Matej Blatnik, who contributed to the botanical verification.

Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.


Članska vas Village


36135. The step to the yard from the southern door was just too big, a threshold was called for. But a large spruce root was in the way. In the picture - Žan is digging the earth away to clear the root free. Sawing it would be a dangerous business had some, even very small, stone remained in the soil.



36136. Chain saw could now be engaged ...



36137. ... and the root was off.



36139. Klok had some additional ideas in mind, connected to Klojerca cave. A few basic utensils are on the roof of the car - the ladder for the entrance pit and a wheelbarrow to transport the power generator from the railway station to the entrance. Yet some critical elements for the mission were not in place and the idea had to be returned, for the time being, to the folder labeled Sanja svinja o koruzi. (Dreams the pig of acorns.)



36140. Threshold is basically in place, Jure contributed the concrete blocks, Žan and Metod the manpower.



36141. Some more adjustments and ...



36144. ... after some more work the threshold was properly finished.



36142. Snack time recuperated the lost energy. In the picture: Ile and Metod at the cold buffet on the northern side of the table ...



36143. ... Žan with his goulash at the southern side ...



36145. ... and this arrangement in the middle: beef soup with its meat, beetroot salad, maize bread, homemade buckwheat cake with apples and plums, hot water with a touch of aronia juice.



36146. The pinky plate was donated to Članska vas by Mira and France, made by Lilien Porzellan.



36147. Next project was the bench outside the northern wall.



36148. Proper positioning of the bench, long enough to seat two very comfortably, but not too long to allow easy access to the door and space to the water barrel, required its time: Ile, Metod and Žan.
To add some proper caving to this report, Klok compensated the called off Klojerca with a visit of the most majestic cave in the neighbourhood, a visit made possible by Žan's good connections.



The Bridge Over Unica River, South of Laze


36149. Downstream view, east-northeast, there is little to no flow, only puddles have remained in the riverbed.



36150. View west with Mt. Srnjak, 919 m, on the horizon



Planinska jama Cave


36151 - 36153. Vertical panoramic view of the Unica river canyon downstream of the cave entrance, view upstream from the bridge



36154. Nettle-leaved bellflower, Campanula trachelium, koprivasta zvončica in Slovenian, on the floor below the stone wall above the cave entrance



36155. View out, towards the entrance, from the Unica river bridge in the cave



36156. An olm, Proteus anguinus, in the basin at the southern side of the tunnel, before the confluence of the Rak and Pivka rivers.



36159. View upstream from the bridge over the Pivka river



36160. Monumental overhangs on the right side of the trail into the Pivka river cave sleeve



36161. Rocks in the Pivka riverbed



36162. Flowstone table is forming over the gravel, below the trail.



36163. A pool below the flowstone wall, at the staircase which leads to Tiha jama tunnel (Silent Cave).



36164. View downstream Unica river from the cave entrance. Water level was quite low, the stream was barely there.



36165. Bride's feathers, Aruncus dioicus, kresničevje in Slovenian, herald of the summer solstice, blossomed off in other places weeks ago but not in cooler habitats such as here close to the cave entrance.



  Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 48, July 12     From Ustje to Vrbica and Back, July 23   -->

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on July 23, 2017; date of last change: July 24.
