Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Brbišćica Cave, Dugi otok / Long Island
Play of Light and Dark in the Sea Canyon

August 3 and 4, 2017, 35 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.


36417. August 3. View southeast from the rock outcrop across the pebble desert on the western side of the Brbišćica bay, and further to Vela Straža, 337 m, the highest peak on the island.



36415 - 36416. View of the cliff and the cave from the south



36414. Closer view of the cave from the coast side



36396. View southeast over the ceiling window above the cave entrance



36395. Ceiling window up close. Cracked rock barely holds together.



36407. The vertical fault, along which the cave is formed, runs from the coast inland at a slight angle. On the surface a chain of collapses indicated a hollow space below. In the picture - the first collapse.



36397. Closer view to the sea from the southern end of the collapse, above the cave entrance ...



36398 - 36399. ... and a panoramic wider view which also includes ...



36401. ... the ceiling window.



36402. View down to the sea from the edge of the collapse ...



36403 - 36404. ... and a panoramic back view from the same standpoint



36405. The bottom of the collapse if filled with recent limestone scree.



36409 - 36411. Panoramic view of the second collapse where fig bush found enough water, or better, humidity, to survive.



36412. Closer view vertically down reveals rocks in the water. The subdued banging of the sea towards the walls also tells that the collapse reached the water.



36413. The trail to more collapses and further to Zala draga cove was cleared a few years ago. But in time the bush took the passage back and after such pushing through the often thorny macchia it was wiser to turn back. A visit from the sea could reveal more.



36438. August 4. View towards the cave interior, a long exposure photo from the inflatable boat. The sea was calm with very long barely noticeable waves. Yet inside the narrow cave the sea surface moved up and down by some 20 cm at a rather fast rate which contributed to the blurred photo. Obviously it was necessary to get out of the boat, to make a photo from the solid land.



36440. View towards the cave entrance from the boat, held steady against the western cave wall



36441. On-camera flash illuminated view of the first strait from the boat with a cave visitor preparing to jump in the water from a shelf about 1.5 m high



36442. Photographer's inflatable, tied by two ropes to the western cave wall. The boat was just a bit too fragile to risk pushing it through the strait. Eastern cave wall was of jagged rocks, also without any shelf, while the western (right in the picture) was flowstone covered and did not puncture the PVC tube during the photo session.



36443. On camera-flash illuminated wall above the first strait with a window to the second surface collapse



36444. A local tourist guide is making inflatable canoe tours in the cave. In the picture - half of the family from the country of the tulips, a mother and the elder daughter, manoevring on return, before the first strait.



36445. They made a circle, here turned back to the cave interior ...



36446. ... before positioning the boat properly to enter the strait ...



36447. ... while the father and the younger daughter were already in the reach of the daylight. The pictures were taken from the higher shelf, about 3 m above the sea.



36448. View of the upper part of the first strait from the inside out. Taking pictures with a proper, non-waterproof camera was difficult mainly because the air was getting warmer and more and more humid towards the cave ceiling. The only relatively dry cloth to wipe the sweat off the face, it would otherwise dip to the camera, were the pants (center right).



36449. A hand held long exposure view to the cave interior from the higher shelf. The scene is illuminated by ceiling openings, a chain of collapses on the surface.



36450. Flowstone formations on the lower shelf, just above the sea



36452. View of the waterway in the direction of the cave entrance ...



36453. ... here enhanced with a snorkeler on his way out.



36456. Eastern (upper) cave wall of sharp rocks, the water part and the western, in places flowstone covered cave wall, view from above



36455. An overexposed view of the entrance from the higher shelf, to show the cave walls ...



36454. ... and average exposed to better depict the sea and the sky



36458. Flowstone formations above the first strait in the cave



36461. Sea pool on the western rim of the Brbišćica bay - view south. Its wall is the highest on the upper (northwestern) side.



36499. An after dark view of the underwater passage entrance, to the pool from the eastern side, from below of the depicted overhang. It was illuminated cave fashion - a flash from the right and from above the overhang.



  Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 50, July 26     Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 52, August 9  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on August 7, 2017; date of last change: August 14.
