Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures (in no particular order): Krzysiek Handzlik and Joanna Markiewicz - Asia, Tomasz and Izabela Manda - Iza, Marcin Szendoł and Marta Kałuża, Magdalena and Nikola Prochalska.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017 except picture 36601, which was taken by Krzysiek Handzlik.
The author would like to thank all that made the creation of this work and the cave visit possible, Stojan Sancin and Claudio Bratos of JOSPD Trst Caving Club who discovered the cave and excavated a passable way through the entrance chimney to the Main Tunnel, Jamarsko društvo Sežana Caving Club (JDS) that takes care of the cave and managed to preserve it in remarkable condition, Društvo za raziskovanje jam Ljubljana (DZRJL), author's home grotto and, last but not least, dear guests from Klub Taternictwa Jaskiniowego Speleoklub Bielsko-Biała, especially Krzysiek Handzlik who came up with the idea of the visit. The event took place in the framework of DZRJL and JDS.
36583. Krzysiek was the first to descend down the 15 m deep (but narrow) entrance chimney.
36584. The invincible five from the land of enchanting cities, melodious poetry and ... pretty girls: Asia, Marta, Nikola, Magda and Iza
36585. Marcin is negotiating his way down at - 10 m
36586. Krzysiek is descending to the chamber above the shaft
36587. Asia on the way down to join him
36588. Waiting for their turn for descent down the shaft: Marta, Iza and Nikola
36589. Nikola on the ladder, secured by Krzysiek
36590. Iza, serene ... and smiling
36592. Marta
36593. Asia
36595. Magda
36596. Nikola
36597. Tomek
36598. Marcin
36599. Krzysiek, descending on the rope past the caving ladder
36600. Krzysiek
36601. Klok
36608. Floor and ceiling connecting pillar of flowstone cascades
36610. Three colour flowstone altar
36612. Snack time on the trail - Marta, Marcin, Tomek and Asia
36613. Krzysiek was the principal cave photographer of today,
36626. Flowstone bubbles at the bottom of now dry pan with curly rim sequence
36628. Iza is ascending to the top of the shaft.
36629. At the trail beginning, below the shaft, waiting for the call: Lina jest wolna! - Safety rope is free!.
36634. Krzysiek at the bottom of the chimney ...
36635. ... and on top of it
36636. Victorious Tomek, so happy to have not only mastered the way down and up, but also to have brought all the sacks to the top, and Krzysiek
36637. Mother and daughter
36638. Krzysiek is wrapping the rope.
36639. Marcin and Marta, invaluable in the cave
36640. Time off, making use of the easily climbable pines: Marta, Magda, Nikola, Iza and Tomek ...
36641. ... and the entire team: Magda, Nikola, Marta and Marcin, Iza and Tomek, Krzysiek and Asia.
The cave, with its extraordinary beauty, surreal flowstone draperies, sometimes set as filigree elephantine carvings in Angkor Wat ...
... lets the imagination fly, to this portrait ...
... and to the synergy of nature splendor and human presence in its most pristine form*.
*Related reading: On Cave Nudes.
Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 52, August 9 Brgevčeva jama Cave, August 15
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on August 13, 2017; date of last change: January 9, 2023.