Primož Jakopin, photo diary

The Gambia
Senegambia, Kafuta, Tunjina

February 2, 2018, 51 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.

Ayssa and Pubby participated in many pictures of this page. So did her mother.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2018.



38844. Breakfast: couscous with banana and soaked dry cranberries, oatmeal cookies, camomille tea, Malarone pill



38846. Alternative breakfast: baked chicken wings in heavy hot sauce, pommes frites, vegetables, mayonnaise, bread, water from the freezer (not shown)





38847. Petroleum House is the tallest building in The Gambia





38848. Squat toilet behind the house, neat and clean



38861. The trail past the garden owned by Ayssa's mother. She is a truly remarkable woman, has five children, raised them more or less on her own, Ayssa is the youngest of the four daughters, born after the death of her father. There are many grandchildren, the eldest daughter has four - and from now on Ayssa's mother will be referred to as grandma.



38862. View of her garden, encircled with a wooden log fence



38860. Grandma at the fence door



38852. Pubby is watering the eggplants. The water he obtained from the ...



38850. ... well in the middle of the garden (truck tyre in the upper middle of the previous picture - it keeps the well border in shape). It is about 7 meters deep and such is the altitude of the garden above the water table of the river Gambia which flows about 5 km to the north.



38853. Wonjo fruit blossom



38855. Pubby and grandma below the only tree on her garden



38854. Colourful pattern on the grandma's flip flops



38868. Ayssa, grandma and Pubby ...



38863. ... on the way back to her home



38878. A woman in light blue dress on the trail



38879. Boy on the tree, trying to fetch some more fruit from the adjacent ...



38880. ... orange tree



38864. Grandma was selling fruit at the main road through the village and Ayssa is now carrying home the vending table.



38865. Ayssa with a fournée in the yard, a little girl is passing by



38866. Igniting the author's fournée on the veranda fence ...



38867. ... and helping the charcoal to burn faster with a plate, used as a fan



38882. The snack: braised eggplants and tomato, of grandma, cooked yellow lentils, bread, garlic, lemon, cooked quail eggs, beetroot salad, black cumin oil, wonjo and baobab bio jam, aronia juice with hot water



38883. Ayssa's lunch, brought by the relatives - Ayssa's father had 21 children (grandma was his fourth wife), many of which, with their families, still live in the same compound: cooked rice in hot sauce with vegetables



38885. The yard with grandma at the side



New Faraba Banta


38891. The new mosque. It is a modern construction without a dome and with a shorter minaret without balcony for the muezzin on top - there is no need for call to prayer from the high position, loudspeakers do the job.



38893. A lonely cashew nut tree with a perfect shape





38886. A large tree south of the village



38905. After an unsuccessful attempt to reach the river by car directly to the northeast of the village we tried to find some other access to the west (there were no tracks on the east). Without a map and Internet connection to consult an online one, the instict brought us to this fence door. Behind it was a trail to the pier on the river itself, just what was asked for, but not knowing the best option seemed to be ...



38906. ... to leave the car and to continue west on foot, following a narrow trail at the border of a large field.



38907. A large herd of cattle, encountered on the way



38908. The last cow to pass by - they were a little smaller than the cattle in the northern hemisphere, but looked in good shape.



38898. At the end of the trail there was a large pile of ...



38896. ... river shells ...



38895. ... partly overgrown with bindweed ...



38894. An inscription below the makeshift roof revealed that we are close to the Sita Joyeh holiday resort, next to the Baobab island.



38892. A stone's throw to the north a slanted pier showed up, with the view of the island and the resort.



38888. Wide view east, the stream leads to the Gambia river about 1 km away, with a white heron ...



38912. ... medium view ...



38910. ... and a close view



38889. A wide view west ...



38911. ... and a long telephoto one



38890. Ayssa is resting on top of the pier.



38887. After a while she decided to come closer.



38897. The soil is sandy all around and often converted to fields - as here with small watered "islets" of onions.



38904. Trees with cloudy sky through which some sun is peeking - a typical weather for this time of the year



38902. A young locust beans tree with long thorns



38903. A sparse forest of baobab trees



38913. A tree grove with a termite heap



38915. Another lonesome tree with a cluster of tree tops





38914. Fruit vendor at the roadside - baby bananas in her hands were just puchased by the author.





38916. Evening snack: braised potato, white turnip and tomato with scrambled egg, cooked rice, bread, wonjo and baobab jam, apple compote



  Senegambia, Tanji Bird Reserve, February 1     Senegambia, Beach North of Old Cape Road, February 3  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on March 1, 2018; date of the last change: March 5, 2018.
