Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures (family names are as of 1967): Miran Saje, Meta Štoka, Radojka Verčko, Tadeja Misson, Jelka Živič, Mojca Zaletel, Sinja Zemljič, Bojana Žokalj - Boja, Franci Velkavrh and Pepca Druml, the Alte Post Inn housekeeper.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2108, with the exception of 40734, 40742, 40748 and 40772 which were taken by Franci Velkavrh and 40775 plus 40783, taken by Meta Štoka (Debevec).
40732. Mid-morning snack at the chalet near the lake: cooked chickpeas, black cumin oil, garlic, bread, kiwi, cake by Sinja, aronia juice with hot water
40733. View of the lake and the mountains to the south of it, with the art historian of the group taking a short rest on the shore bench.
40734. At the lake: Jelka, Primož, Meta, Radojka, Sinja, Miran, Boja and Mojca (photo Franci)
40735. View of the church from the northwest
40738. Information board about the church, most notable for the 15th century frescoes
40737. Miran and Meta at the door to the ...
40736. ... church nave, here depicted with a view to the altar
40739. This year the winter was long but because of the very warm spring everything flowers sooner than expected, and so does bride's feathers, Aruncus dioicus, kresničevje in Slovenian, shown here below the trail, just above the village.
40740. The trail with a hazel canopy, Meta
40743. View of the church and its graveyard from the west
40741. The grave of ...
40741. ... Lonca Igerc
40744. View down the church nave, with Meta, Miran, Sinja and Radojka
40745. Artfully crafted arch ceiling
40742. Meta, Radojka, Miran, Sinja, Primož and Jelka at the graveyard wall, with Mt. Dobratsch / Dobrač, 2.166 m a. s. l. in the background (photo Franci)
40746. Jelka, Miran, Radojka, Sinja and Meta on the forest road
40747. After half an hour we decided to turn back, not to be late for dinner (at 6 p. m.): Miran, Meta, Sinja, Radojka and Jelka in bride's feathers ...
40748. ... here also joined by Primož (photo Franci)
40749. Fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra, močerad in Slovenian, crossing the road
40750. Jelka, Radojka and Miran on the road heading back, against the sun ...
40751. ... and on the trail below the church
40753. A rather late depiction of the first main course dinner choice, we were very hungry so the photographer neglected his primary duty of documenting every step during the tasty entrée, the asparagus cream soup and also well into the main course: Viennese steak with pommes frites ...
40754. ... and the second choice: curd rolls - Quark-Krapfen / skutni zvitki; most delicious but almost gone here, three pieces were served.
40755. The dessert, a blueberry cake
40756. Pepca and Sinja are discussing plans for the evening presentation of the former, titled: Štehvanje v Ziljski dolini, of an annual ethno event with unmarried men riding bareback on Noriker horses, in traditional costumes, striking a wooden barrel with an iron club till the last wooden splinter is felled.
40757. The author's bed on the second floor
40758. Tadeja, Miran, Radojka and Jelka in the dining room
40759. At the Austro-Italian border: Mojca, Jelka and Boja (more or less on the Italian side). The animal on the distant horizon is a horse.
40760. It was cloudy and the rain was forecasted but this opening in the sky was a herald of a better weather which lasted as long as we needed it.
40761. This baby goat, with its mother, accompanied half of the group, which decided go to Mt. Ojstrnik, all the way to the peak. Five girls of the party proceeded to the chapel, devoted to St. Mary of the Snow / Marija Snežna in Slovenian, south of the saddle.
40762. View south to Jôf Fuart / Viš, 2.666 m
40763. The goat, baby's mother, trailed the author at a steady rate, a bit too fast for the phone camera shutter lag ...
40764. ... but not too fast to catch a tasty bite along the trail: here depicted with Meta.
40765. View west along the mountain slope - Radojka and Miran are on the trail's bend.
40768. On the southern side of the peak there was an underground fortification, probably belonging to the Italian WWII defense line.
40769. Here Meta is peeking through one of the bunker's observation holes ...
40770. ... and here is what she saw.
40772. Happy to have made it to the top - view from the south: Meta, Miran, Primož and Radojka (photo Franci).
40771. View to the western peak of the mountain ...
40773. ... and east-south-east, to the Zilja river valley
40774. Northern side of the peak was not so gentle as the southern one, and a rain shower was also coming from the west.
40775. The author, depicted by Meta
40777. Meta herself
40776. Here the goat also joined in.
40778. For a moment Monte Lussari / Višarje pilgrimage centre (top center) appeared from the clouds on the south. Yesterday it escaped our visit as the cable car does not operate during the storm or when one is imminent.
40779. The goats were especially keen on spruce buds.
40780. On return, on the saddle, a group of large Noricer horses was on the pasture, but hoping for some treat they quickly approached Radojka ...
40781. ... and Miran
40783. Snack time is snack time, explained Primož in the chalet on the Italian side (photo Meta).
40782. Snack up close: sugared pancake with cranberry jam (Kaiserschmarren in German, cesarski praženec in Slovenian, intended mainly to be tasted by the ladies), cooked chickpeas, black cumin oil, garlic, bread, kiwi, black grapes jam (jurka variety), aronia juice with hot water
40784. Radojka in the centre cellar, on a cross-country ski trail with a thick layer of frozen snow
40785. View of the Tamar valley with clouds all around the mountain tops, in between the rain
40787. Sinja and Miran managed to scale the 250 m Flying hill, the venue of every year's ski flying competition, main Planica attraction. It took them 30 minutes to get to the top, 25 minutes to walk down.
Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 80, May 30 Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 83, June 20
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, except where indicated otherwise;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on June 13, 2018; date of last change: June 22, 2018.