Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Abkhazia, the Reclusive Sleeping Beauty
Krubera-Voronja Cave Entrance

August 22, 2019, 44 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Most visible event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures (in no particular order, š is pronounced as sh, ž as zh, j as y): Julija Timoševskaja, Darja (Daša), Nastja and Marija (Maša) Fedotova, Evgenij (Ženja) Kasjan, Katerina Medvedeva - Katja, Vitalij (Vitalik) Leonidovič Kosjakin and Elena (Lena) Sergeevna Kosjakina, Igor Magnowski, Leonid Feigin - Lënja (pron. Lonya) and Jurij Mihajlovič Kasjan. The cave Krubera-Voronja is, in further text, referred to only with the second half of the name, as it was called here.

          This page, text and pictures copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2019.

Voronja Cave Camp


45187. Jurij in the tent, early morning



45191. Sunrise through the clouds above Mt. Berčilj



45190. Grasshopper pair mating on a wooly thistle, Cirsium eriophorum



45193. Breakfast: polenta with sliced banana and soaked dry cranberries, camomille tea, oatmeal cookies



45194. Wider breakfast view at the camp table with Daša, Lënja, Vitalik, Julija and Maša



45195. Yellow flower grove (to be determined) ...



45196. ... and its blossoms in closer view



45197. - 45198. Panoramic view of the camp from the east - the kitchen is center right, next to it is the shower pyramid.



45199. Some time later Igor, Maša, Lena and Jurij were to be found at the table.



45200. There is no spring water in the high altitude karst and snow tongue in this shallow pit was used as a source. Here Jurij removed the dusty surface ...



45201. ... and is loading snow in the transport bag which Igor will take ...



45202. ... to the melting tarpaulin somewhat higher.



45203. After ...



45204. ... unloading ...



45207. ... the melted water will flow down to the kitchen barrels through the PVC pipe lower right in the picture.



45208. It is now Jurij's turn to carry the snow.



45205. More flowers ...



45206. ... including this gentian.



Voronja Cave Entrance


45210. - 45219. Ten faces of Jurij, at the top of the cave entrance shaft



45220. Jurij is descending down the entrance shaft. The result of today's excursion, in his own words: I went down to the cave to change old ropes to a depth of 200 meters and checked a window in the P116m pit. I installed the rigging to the window. There is a tremendous air current, but it will be becessary to widen the meander ...



45221. - 45222. Nastja and Daša at the entrance.



45226. - 45228. Panoramic vertical view of the Voronja entrance with Daša descending. Mount Berčilj, 2.495 m, is the curved peak top center. Its ridge continues top right.



To Silver Prince Cave Entrance


45232. Nastja and Daša on top of a solitary boulder



45235. View of the entrance, from the south, with Daša. The entrance is 15 m above that of Voronja, but it would still be a lot of work to connect the two caves.



45236. A pinky blossom, standing out of the green grass.



Voronja Cave Camp


45237. A snack: cooked red lentils, corn bread, garlic, dates, oatmeal cookies, black cumin oil, solidified coconut oil, aronia juice with hot water, fig jam from the Candripš market (sweet as much as it gets).



Kujbiševskaja Cave Entrance


45238. Panoramic vertical view with Daša ...



45242. ... here in a closer view ...



45244. ... and a portrait.



45245. Lënja resting at the side. Vitalik and Lënja equipped the entrance rigging with two temporary rope anchors.



45246. Pinky daisy ...



45247. ... and blue bells with black stamens



Voronja Cave Camp


45248. Julija with an aerobie below the western sky close to sunset



45249. Maša and Ženja playing with a small white pot, left behind by one of the previous expeditions.



Detskaja Cave Entrance


45252. Katja and Jurij above the entrance shaft (center left)




  Arabika, Getting There, August 20 and 21     Berčiljskaja Cave, August 23  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on September 12, 2019; date of the last change: September 19, 2019.
