Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Kostanjevica na Krki
Opening of Nande Vidmar (1899 - 1981, Mišo's Father) Exhibition
Schoolmates of Class 4. h, Šubičeva gimnazija, Ljubljana (June 1967)

October 4, 16 pictures

Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures (family names are as of 1967): Miran Saje, Meta Štoka, Radojka Verčko, Mojca Zaletel, Sinja Zemljič, Bojana Žokalj - Boja, Mišo Vidmar, Tadeja Misson and Vida Zore.

Some more data about the oncoming exhibition was published on July 23, 2019, page 22 by Maja Šučur in the Dnevnik newspaper (Ljubljana), in the article
V Galeriji Božidarja Jakca jeseni retrospektiva Nandeta Vidmarja: Po sledi izgubljenih slik in pisem (in Slovenian).

All the pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin.


Kostanjevica Castle


45514. View of the castle from the west, including a piece from Forma viva Open Air Sculpture Collection (wood) in front



45515. View of the castle yard and its eastern and southern wings from the second floor of the inner staircase, the upper of the two exhibition floors



45517. Nude in Studio, oil on canvas, ca. 1955, private collection



45519. Sinja (hidden behind Radojka), Boja, Mišo and Radojka in conversation



45520. Self-Portrait with a Bonnet, oil on canvas, 1952-1953, private collection



45522. Studio (Kolizej - Coliseum Building), oil on masonite, 1947, private collection



45524. Drago Vidmar, Portrait of a Painter, oil on canvas, 1928, private collection (Drago, 1901 - 1982, was Nande's brother)



45526. Lunch, oil on canvas, 1927, Mestni muzej Ljubljana



45528. Odalisque (Recumbent Woman), oil on canvas, 1927, private collection



45530. Št. Rupert (Village), oil on canvas, ca. 1928, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana



45532. Untitled, pastel on paper, 1923, private collection



45534. Mišo Vidmar, ink and pencil on paper, 1950s, private collection



45536. Exhibition poster



45537. Night view of the castle yard and its eastern and southern wings from the second floor of the inner staircase



45538. 4. h classmates who honoured the event and joined in for this photo: Miran, Radojka, Mojca, Vida, Boja, Meta, Mišo, Tadeja and Sinja in the castle yard, illuminated in cave photo style. Vida is holding in her hands a freshly printed book: Robert Simonišek at al.: Nande Vidmar : retrospektiva : 4. 10. 2019 - 15. 3. 2020 (Božidar Jakac Gallery, Kostanjevica na Krki, 2019, ISBN - 978-961-6684-49-1).



45539. Crystal embroidery on Vida's shoes



  Abkhazia, Arabika / Return, August 25 - 27      Climbing Wall at the Vranja jama Cave, October 5  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, except where indicated otherwise; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on October 6; date of last change: October 8, 2019.
