Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Abyss Below the Fault Line, Troštarice
Wide Narrows

February 12, 2020, 28 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Claudio Bratos and Ludvik Husu.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok.

46486. It was a bright, shiny day, almost like in early spring, and lazily sailing clouds dotted the horizon.



46487. Ludvik at a stone mushroom, with Claudio filming from behind



46488. Repeated shot, Claudio wanted a picture, undisturbed by his presence.



46489. The excavation site is on the southeastern edge of a large, "mega" doline.



46490. Worksite after two digging excursions, both made last week



46491. The cave-to-be developed alomg a large fault line, in the approximate north (lower) - south (upper side of the picture) direction.



46492. Claudio is digging with a small pick (called životo) of his own making ...



46493. ... into earth with small rocks ...



46495. ... to fill a bucket ...



46494. ... which Ludvik will empty on the pile below the site.



46496. Now it is Ludvik's turn - Claudio cleared a large rock out of the surrounding soil and Ludvik will break it into pieces which can be lifted away.



46497. Claudio is extracting rocks with a crowbar.



46498. A natural bridge has emerged, with small vertical faults on both sides.



46499. Snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis, zvončki in Slovenian



46500. Rocks, rounded by rainwater, covered with moss



46501. Ludvik is moving another rock of about 30 kg.



46502. A triangular prism-shaped rock ...



46503. ... here on top of the pile.



46504. The natural bridge is now carved enough to let Claudio pass into the meander ...



46505. ... legs up to the waist, that is.



46506. The photographer is of slightly slimmer build and so was given the honor of descending into the meander first. Yet he had to empty his chest pockets and his movements were most limited. Turning the head (with a helmet) required precision maneuvering. In the picture - view up (north) from the meander, with Claudio above him.



46507. The meander is very narrow in the northern direction, boot would fit only in the beginning.



46508. Cave continuation is buried below this pile of rocks in the southern direction of the meander.



46509. View up was limited to the tip of Claudio's boot.



46510. Selfie in the meander. It required great care - if the phone would slip down by accident it would have to stay there.



46511. The ascent from the bottom was even more demanding and the climber would not manage to get up by himself. Claudio pulled him up (the rope was firmly locked in the ascender) about a meter through the most narrow part. In the picture - view up towards the entrance as the photographer was already sitting on the shelf above the meander.



46512. View down into the narrows



46514. Sunset sky on the return trail



Related post:

4-minute sequence, Troštarice - Meandrasta by Claudio Bratos

  Preparations for the Spring 2020 Class Outing, 4. h (1967), February 7     Brezno na Škrklovici Cave, February 19  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise. Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on February 13, 2020; date of the last change: February 20, 2020.
