Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Malanca cave and Stony boot from Radošca 2
In Karst and Lanski vrh

February 2 - 17, 2022, 26 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Participants and persons, mentioned in text: Jaka Jakofčič, Bogdan Rojc, Ludvik Husu, Janez Juvan - Manč, Metod Di Batista, Marjan Baričič, Andrej Puc - Fofr, Andrej Ramor - Ejč, Igor Maksim Košir - Ičo, Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Marko Vogrič - Mare, Jure Trenz and France Šušteršič.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2022.


Petnjak, February 2


50792. Jaka and Bogdan in the forest above the collapse doline. Jaka descended to the cave, to improve the entrance tunnel, Bogdan departed to the village Podbreže, and the author, as Jaka advised him, drove off to Malanca cave. But he searched for it on the wrong, south side of the power line, and couldn't find it.



Malanca, February 8


50796. The author searched for the cave walking through the forest, from the power line on to the north. In the photo: rocks above the southern edge of a large doline, which hides the entrance to the cave under its eastern wall.



50797. The rounded patterns of dried black-lichen dots on the stone remind one of the prehistoric dot paintings; the height of the motif is about 50 cm.



50798. View to the east from a cavity among the overturned rocks



50799. View of the doline with the path to the cave. The doline is about a hundred meters in diameter, and the slopes are gentle except the eastern, which is precipitous. Below it is the entrance to the cave.



50800. The snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis



50801. The cave is located along the Živi muzej krasa (Karst Living Museum Hiking trail), also called Ludvik trail, and in front of the entrance this stone with a carved cave name is to be found.



50802. View of the entrance to the cave ...



50803. ... and a view from the entrance to the surface



50811. Mighty wall of calcite concretions on the east side of the hall



50804. The cave has been known since time immemorial and is easily accessible, so ancestors from nature-unfriendly times managed to break also very thick and solid stalactites, even two and a half meters above ground.



50805. A stalagmite heap that has recovered nicely in recent decades.



50806. View from the north side of the cave hall towards the entrance slope



50808. Flowstone west wall which leads ...



50810. ... towards the stalactite- and stalagmite-adorned niches at the far north end of the hall.



50809. A wide stalactite wall to the northeast



50813. If departing the cave along the already mentioned wide trail, one comes to this signpost at the side of the forest track.



50814. Just before it reaches the Sežana-Lipica road, along the Karst Living Museum Hiking trail, there is another signpost to Jama v partu pri ogradi. The cave begins spreads below a pit with a grate at the top. In the photo: the view through the grate, down the entrance pit.



Stony boot from Radošca 2, in Skednena jama, February 17


50825. The stone was excavated by Manč on 10 February at the bottom of the Radošca 2 cave, about 11.5 meters deep. It was during 45th digging trip to this cave (excavation started on September 2, 2020) with Metod, Manč, Marjan, Fofr and Ejč in the digging team, and Ičo, Modrc, Mare and Jure in the surface team. The find is the most interesting of all excavated so far, stones with scallops usually appear deeper in caves, and the stone therefore received due attention. Its geomorphological description was made by France, in great detail. Among other things, he found that on its lower edge there are traces of Requienia ammonia shell fossils (Lower Cretaceous period), while the author decided to try the photographic and spatial side. He named it after its shape, reminiscent of a left tall mountain boot. It weighs 3.28 kg, its volume is 1.20 cubic decimetres (liters), measured by water displacement, and its dimensions are 178 x 102 x 175 millimeters (length x width x height, children's EU shoe size 29). Here it is shown from a bird's eye view, slightly to the left (seen from heel to toe), on the shelf in the middle of the passage from the Main tunnel to the Side tunnel of the cave Skednena jama.



50826. View of the lower part (sole) of the stone



50827. The stone slightly from the right side, diagonally from behind, ...



50828. ... and straight from the front.



50829. Stone on the dry clay soil in the Main tunnel, in front of the entrance to the Side tunnel, view from above, right front



50831. Stone turned on the left side, diagonally to the right, from behind. The shell fossils are on the right side of the picture, in the middle and close to the top.



50824. Another view of the stone from right front, in a slightly more picturesque setting of the northern edge of the shelf.



50823. View back along the trail towards the cave, through the sparse forest, to the west, sun is peeking through the clouds.



Related posts:



  Tavčarjeva jama, January 26     Radošca 2, March 2, 2022  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise. Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on February 18, 2022 and last changed March 3.
