Primož Jakopin, photo diary

From Orlek to Škocjan
Triple Rock

March 9 and 12, 2022, 26 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. The names of the cave parts are the author's. Trip participants and persons, mentioned in text: Claudio Bratos, Mauro Kraus, Ludvik and Matej Husu, Tomaž Fabec.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2022.


Huslova pečina (Husl's rock shelter), 9 March


50873. Entrance to the cave, a drop of two meters, is not far from the forest road, but is nicely secluded in the bush.



50874. The Old tunnel continues in the middle, Mauro is standing on the left, and Claudio is descending into the new parts.



50875. View from the ground in the entrance straight up towards the surface



50876. View from the beginning of the Old tunnel towards the entrance ...



50877. ... and from below the step, deeper in the tunnel, back towards the entrance, with Tomaž at the side.



50878. At the bottom of the newly excavated passage, the New tunnel opens on the left, and the Side tunnel is situated behind the wall on the right.



50879 and 50880. Tomaž, a little worried about the perspectives of modern paleontology (left) and after a revelation: "Perhaps all is not lost!" (right)



50881. Roots at the beginning of the Side tunnel indicate that the surface is not far.



50882. Tomaž and Claudio in front of the worksite at the end of the tunnel



50883. At the end, the tunnel climbs slightly, the ground approaches the ceiling, and in between there is an impassable strait.



50884. Mauro with a small crowbar, very suitable for getting stones out of the soil.



50885. Approximately 45 cm long bone of a larger mammal, probably an equine, and a skull of a smaller animal



50886. The ceiling, dotted with short calcite macaroni



50887. View back along the Side tunnel



50888. Matej at the rock under the chimney with white calcite formations in New tunnel ...



50889. ... here up close



50890. Portrait of the discoverer



50892. Flowstone baldachin in the side chimney



50893. Sunset in the oak forest



50894. Four Fearless: Matej, Claudio, Mauro and Ludvik



Tkalca jama in Rakov Škocjan, 12 March


50896. Upstream view along the riverbed from the top of the wall above the North cave entrance, of the Rak River, towards the Great Natural Bridge (top right).



50900. Rocks in the riverbed at the northern entrance, view upstream



50898. Rapids in the riverbed, in the Entrance hall; half a second exposure time



50902. View from the end of the Entrance hall back along the riverbed towards the North entrance. Daylight and painting with light, exposure time 5 seconds.



50903. View from the Main tunnel back towards the Entrance hall with three smaller boulders in the riverbed. Daylight and painting with light, exposure time 20 seconds. The water level was just right, so that it was possible to cross the stream in ordinary boots. The author has been to the cave many times before, but the river was either dry or to high to get inside the cave. Once is always the first time.



Related posts:



  Radošca 2, March 2     From Škratovka to Radošca 2 and Skednena jama caves, March 23 - April 13, 2022  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise. Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on March 3, 2022 and last changed on January 22, 2024.
