Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Planinska jama
Low water level in Rakov rokav / Rak river branch

August 6, 2022, 11 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 times 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. The person in the photos is Vladimir Levašov and the names of the cave parts were, in places, given by the author.

          Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2022.


51486. View towards the entrance of Erazmova jama (Jama 2 pri Planinski jami, 76 m long) across the Unica river, near Planinska jama entrance



51487. Vladimir on the shore, with the boat



51489. View across the water tunnel at the final point, accessible on foot



51490. Large, black indigo colored (because of the manganese oxide cover) rock in the river bed



51492. Cave tunnel, view back from the final point



51493. Stalagmite on the trail, broken in half by natural forces



51494. Large stalagmite heap at the trail side, on return



51496. Lake in the riverbed, which we bypassed on foot.



51497. Large sinkhole, carved by the river in the sediment terrace



51502. Little boat in the water, it carries two



51503. Cave entrance from the inside



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  Debela peč, July 19     Mount Kanin, August 13, 2022  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise. Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on August 23 and last changed September 29, 2022.
