Most images are approximately 768 times 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. With the participation of Metod Di Batista, Igor Maksim Košir - Ičo, Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Marjan Baričič and Marjan Juvan - Manč.
The page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2022.
51746. Two praying mantises, Mantis religiosa, mating. The brown female (left) is consuming the green male (right). He even rushed to meet her.
51747. View from the platform in the village of Škocjan, on the ridge in the direction of Betanja, to the east, with the Notranjska Reka canyon.
51749. View from the path from the village of Betanja, along the collapse doline of the Škocjan Caves to the west, with the trail under the wall..
51751. Pot vodnih zakladov (the Trail of Water Treasures) runs along the northern side of the Reka river bed.
51752. It was clear that it would be necessary to cross over to the south side of the river, but there was no bridge or shoal with a passable dam. The path along the north bank to the east ends under this wall - one should continue by water.
51753. View from the Nad stenemi lookout, towards the NW edge of Planinsko polje, Planinska gora (right), Javorniki (on the horizon) and Planina (center).
51754. South entrance to the cave ...
51755. ... here from the inside out.
51756. View from the beginning of the Trajberca trail towards the south, towards Babni dol and beyond. The moon has already appeared.
51779. It was a wet autumn day - view from the trail to Nova Radošca towards Članska vas.
51778. Marjan (left) and Janez were waiting for action under the tarpaulin above the entrance. Manč and Metod worked at the bottom of the cave.
51773. Descent to the bottom. Looking up from a depth of about 12 meters, where the last reflection of daylight is still visible (middle left).
51775. At 15 meters there is no more daylight at the top.
51769. Metod returns from the bottom at -22 m, Manč (pictured) made room for him to pass.
51767. Method during a short stop on the way up
51776. Still life of rocks and wooden supports
51771. Metod is coming back, he answered the call of nature, and at the same time made room for taking photographs.
51768. View from the cave bottom to the south, straight into the rock collapse. There is empty space here and there, but of no use.
51766. The view to the north, along the western wall (left), is quite attractive. It is possible to see two meters far through the blackness, and there is quite a bit of space between the blocks.
51777. The photographer retreats towards the surface, Metod continues digging to the north side of the bottom, Manč, two meters above him (in the shot), hands him the tool.
51780. Ičo is preparing lunch. First he roasted this beef pieces ...
51784. ... which now improved the stew of cabbage and potatoes.
Related posts:
Lanski vrh, October 27
Zelške jame, November 19
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise.
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on November 23 and last changed November 27, 2022.