Primož Jakopin, photo diary

The cave Materija 11
Alabaster forest

7 January, 15 pictures

          Most images are approximately 683 times 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. Names of several cave parts were given by the author. Made with participation of Claudio Bratos, the first explorer of this cave and the main authority on the underground of the Matarsko podolje, and Vladimir Levašov, who also contributed to the success of the excursion in many ways.

          The page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023, except for the photos VL11, VL12 and VL13 which are the work of Vladimir Levašov, who is also the copyright holder (published with his permission).


51948. The entrance to the cave is on the southern slope of Matarsko podolje, on a former meadow, criss-crossed with low oaks, juniper, blackberry and other bushes.



51949. It starts with a 4 m drop, from which a low passage (bottom left in the photo) opens to another, deeper drop into the interior of the cave.



51947. The rope was fixed to an oak tree above the entrance, in a fashion Claudio calls a "dog's mouth" ("bocca di cane").



51946. Claudio, he knows a lot, he can do a lot.



51950. A stalactite pillar at the point where the Western tunnel turns into a steep downward slope that ends with a shaft.



51951. Small calcite towers along the south wall



51952. Translucent stalagmite on the opposite side of the tunnel



VL12. Klok during preparation for making the previous photo



51953. Caught in the cave sediments, a trunk hose-shaped flowstone that fell from the ceiling, broke a little, then rolled down the slope to its current location.



51955. Brown stalactite pillar at the beginning of the hall



51956. Columns in two floors, two are diagonally connected.



51957. Rimstone pools in the low stalactite passage



51958. Vladimir in the low passage from the Western to the Eastern tunnel of the cave, with stalagmite columns



51959. Flowstone-ornamented slope at the end of the Eastern tunnel



VL13. The flowstone cover of the slope, which broke into slabs. This probably happened during the earthquake, when the slabs also slid down.



51960. A passage between stalagmite columns



51961. Flowstone formations on the north side of the end of the Eastern tunnel



VL11. Glow in the dark (Sjaj u tami)



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This page, text and photos (except VL11, VL12 and VL13, which are the work of Vladimir Levašov) by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on 8 January 2023 and last changed on 16 January 2023.
