Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Zelške jame
are always beautiful

April 5, 2023, 16 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 by 1024 pixels in size. At the beginning of the descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files. Sometimes the names of cave parts are the author's.

          Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023.


Searching Brezno za strelskim jarkom (Pit behind the military trench, cave reg. nr. 879)


52264. France Šušteršič recounted the author many times about a pit on the edge of the collapse doline and near the military trench. He said there is a strong draft in it and the tunnel that would open beyond the pit would be a new connection to the water tunnel in the Zelške jame. Now the author was searching it for the fourth time, and if the location of the pit in the cave registry was accurate, he could not have missed it. But there was neither a pit nor the collapse doline in the marked place. But he did manage to find, for the first time, the nearby Velikonočna jama (Easter cave, cave registry number 3711), and the Velikonočni spodmol (Easter rock shelter, cave registry number 9765), but not Pavle's pit (5271), which should also be located in the vicinity. In the photo - the entrance to Easter cave opens in the rocks, embraced by the root of a large spruce.

52263. After about two meters, the horizontal entrance turns into a pit.

52265. The entrance to Easter rock shelter is near the path, a little below it at the bottom of the mini collapse doline, it looks more like some kind of den.



52266. This impression is confirmed by the view from the entrance to the interior.

52267. The view from the cave to the surface is more picturesque. There is just enough room in the shelter that the author could squeeze himself in far enough to make this photo.



Zelške jame


52262. When the search failed, it will really be necessary to somehow persuade France to come along the next time and show the cave, the author went to the easily accessible part of Zelške jame to save the day. In the photo - the rapids of the river Rak downstream from the bridge, view towards the SE.

52270. Hacquetia epipactis



52269. View back towards the entrance over the first collapse in the water tunnel, below the Osja jama entrance



52274. The author climbed to the northern side of the collapse, set up a tripod there, a bit between the stones, a bit in the water...



52273. ... and took this photo of the entrance to the water tunnel.

52271. View further down the tunnel, towards the inside of the cave, from the muddy beach on the north side of the collapse

52277. On the way back, on the western, downstream side of Velika jama, this view of the end of Ževška jama opens up.



52272. Near the right edge of the sand from the previous photo, someone has made this, smaller person-sized, 14-piece cairn.



52276. Next to the wall, above the path, there is a slightly smaller, but still a 14-piece cairn, probably the father of the family.

52278. On the ledge above the path were the mother, with hair, and four children.

52279. The children were not without toys, they had a teddy bear made of clay, with flower petals for eyes and mouth.



Related pages:



  Logarček, March 30 and April 1   From Lanski vrh to Laška kukava, April 6, 20 and 22, May 15


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). The page was initiated on May 15, 2023 and last modified on May 23.
