Most images are approximately 768 by 1024 pixels. At the beginning of the descriptions are the serial numbers of the original photo files.
Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023.
52414. Cypress trees at the southern edge of the cemetery near the church of St. Quirick, the starting point of the path to Veli Badin
52415. Somewhat torn cloud in the southern sky
52418. View southwest from the bunker under the trail, to the Croatian side
52420. Natural bridge shortly before the path target, view ahead, towards the south...
52426. ... and a view back, to the north
52422. Tiny yellow flowers in the grass - there are many siblings, it is a difficult flower to identify.
52421. Karst edge with large grottoes, the first is situated on the right side of the picture, the largest, Veli Badin, is in the middle.
52423. View from the first grotto to the east
52424. Veli Badin - wider view to the west. It really feels like being under a large petrified oncoming wave.
52425. Cutout on the west side of the grotto ...
52411 - 52413. ... and a composite view from the depths of Veli Badin across the green Istrian landscape
52427. Photos taken on return - in some places the path leads through the pleasant shade of dense greenery.
52428. In places, one has to maintain balance on steep, eroded limestone rock, ...
52429. ... and there are stretches where the ascent gives a rather alpine impression.
52430. White laceflower, Orlaya grandiflora from the Apiaceae family
52432. Silver threads in the grass ...
52431. ... belong to the European feather grass, Stipa pennata.
Related pages:
Markovščina shepherd's trail, April 27
Lanski vrh, May 27
This page, text and photos by
Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL).
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
The page was initiated on May 29, 2023 and last modified on May 31.