Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
The page, text and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023.
52751. Hudojberdi in the yard, in front of the mulberry tree
52754. Sheep grazing by the side of the village road.
52756. They were tended by Abdul, the nephew of Sadik Ðuraev from Dehibol.
52805. Hudojberdi in the living room, which is also a guest room.
52757. Portrait of Mustafo, Hudojberdi's father, approximately A4 format, enlargement of image from a passport that had in the meantime been lost.
52809. The back of the enlargement of the Mustafo portrait
52810. House number
52811. Southwest corner of house
52813. Cow in the yard...
52814. ... and her calf.
52815. Bread oven
52816. Kitchen door and window, view from the yard
52817. Hudojberdi and his corn field
52820. Sanžar, Hudojberdi's son-in-law, who drove us to the taxi station in a slightly larger neighboring place.
52822. A large hill on the road to Boysun, about 30 kilometers south of this town.
52823. View back towards the hill from which the previous photo was taken.
52824. A sequence of three hills west of the road, wave-shaped
52825. The view from the back seat of the Russian-made UAZ jeep with which we traveled from Bojsun to Dehibolo, towards the evening. In front is the driver, from Dehibolo, a relative of Holidin, who sits on the right. There were about 300 kg of watermelon and other luggage behind the back seat, some also on the back seats.
52826. The semi-desert landscape was dotted here and there with bushes and small pines.
52827. The engine required minor interventions, in the beginning every 20 minutes, later more often, until the battery died out above the village in the neighboring valley of Dehibolo. The driver left the jeep to move in reverse a bit, downhill, to a more leveled part of the road, and from there we pushed it slightly uphill, about ten of us, and to great surprise the engine started at the first try. It was still half an hour's drive to Dehibolo, about 5 kilometers, but the jeep didn't fail anymore. We arrived at the village half an hour before midnight.
52828. In the living room of Holidin and Dilafruz
Related posts:
Getting to Botoš, August 11
Dehibolo, August 15 - 16
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL).
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on December 9, 2023; date of the last change: September 24, 2024.