Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Mačkovica, Najdena jama and Vranja jama
Night mode

October 18 to 31 2023, 11 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Metod Di Batista and Marjan Baričič took part at the field trip on October 26 (Radošca 2/97).

          Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2023.

          The purpose of these field trips was to test the Huawei P60 Pro phone camera in a cave environment, especially its Night mode. Lighting for the last photo in Mačkovica and wider later shots in Najdena jama was done with four LED reflectors, 3 x 10 W, 1 x 20 W and a 5 W LED head light, the most powerful of which was used for painting with light.
          Verdict: the best phone camera so far. Only twelve million pixels, but very sharp, variable aperture, from f 1.4 to f 4.0, and for taking photos in caves, the Night mode is of particular importance. Its algorithm composes the final image from a sequence of photos taken over a period of several, up to 30 seconds, and very successfully balances the exposure while also improving the contrast. In this mode, the sensitivity can also be set, to prevent the quality from falling too much with a high ISO selection, and the exposure time, which the algorithm rarely misses. The only drawback of the Night program is the inability to choose the color balance, which usually goes in the pleasantly warm zone, but not always. Together with the Pro program, for photos of very large spaces, a large screen for easier image composition, with a much smaller weight and volume that allows easy storage in the pocket of a caving suit, and with an inexpensive remote control via the Bluetooth interface, the Huawei P60 Pro is for many a very tempting alternative to classic cameras, including the full-frame ones (24 x 36 mm).


Mačkovica, October 18


53016. View of the Dome in Mala dvorana (the Little Hall), focal length 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 3 seconds, ISO 100, Night mode. The photo is very contrasty and vivid, but the far left calcite concretion is overexposed.

53017. The same subject and viewpoint, focal length 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 1/25 second, ISO 1000, Photo mode



53019. View of the Little Hall from the Zvezni rov (Connection Tunnel) which leads towards Dimnik, focal length 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 11 seconds, ISO 100, Night mode

53021. Same subject and viewpoint, focal length 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 20 seconds, ISO 125, Pro mode. In this photo, there are slight outlines of the author, who during the exposure walked from behind the tripod to the Little Hall on the left of the picture and from there, he illuminated the scene in the middle of the picture.



Najdena jama, October 26


53026. View of the cave entrance from the chamber below it; focal length 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 3 seconds, ISO 800, Night mode, handheld

53025. View of the beginning of Šerkov rov with Baldahin and Primož's traverse from below; 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 13 seconds, ISO 100, Night mode, tripod

53027. Toad in the entrance pit; 6.35 mm, f 2.0, 1/50 second, ISO 250, Photo mode, handheld

Vranja jama, October 31


53034. Eastern edge of the Water Tunnel with a step at the beginning of the Dry Tunnel; 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 20 seconds, ISO 12800, Night mode, tripod.

53032. Flooded entrance to the Water tunnel; 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 14 seconds, ISO 100, Night mode, tripod.

53035. The water flowed from the Water Tunnel under the rocks over this passage into the lake at the bottom of the Entrance Hall in the cave; 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 3 seconds, ISO 100, Night mode, handheld.

53028. View of the lake from the east side, from below the step to Suhi rov. The water level of the lake was about a meter below the level in the Water Tunnel; 6.35 mm, f 1.4, 20 seconds, ISO 12800, Night mode, tripod.

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This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on January 8, 2024; date of the last change: January 11, 2024.
