Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Velika Karlovica
Port of Karlovica

August 29, 2024, 15 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Jože Stražišar from Dolenja vas contributed to the success of the excursion. The names in the cave were in several instances given by the author.

          Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2024.


Planinsko polje


54172. View of Planinska gora, rising from the morning mists.



Velika Karlovica


54173. View from the Cvinger viewpoint to the east, across the dry lake, the hill on the right is Stražišče (813 m).



54174. The top of the via ferrata which leads to the cave entrance



54175. The end of the dry part of Bukovec Tunnel (Bukovčev rov), up to here it is possible to get without a boat ...



54176. ... - with considerable care not to get water in the boots during the last crossing of the lake along the right wall. The author's crossing was not entirely successful (left foot got wet). The previous photo was taken on the other side of the bend in the middle of this picture.



54178. The passage along the right wall is quite narrow, and the wall above it is vividly shaped. It is a bit reminiscent of the Port of Venice harbor in Križna jama, only without the stalactites. The rock tooth (in the photo above the wooden stick) that protrudes from the wall one and a half meters above the ground is dangerous. If one only looks below his feet, so as not to step into deep water, he or she will mercilessly hit into that tooth with the head, luckily equipped with a helmet.



54179. Side tributary, now dry, at the bend



54180. A slightly wider view of this last bend, the incriminated rock tooth is clearly visible in the right middle of the picture.



54181. Dark gravel beach with light ceiling in front of the bend



54182. View back along Bukovec Tunnel, in the direction of Kalvarija, with dark stones on the floor (covered with manganese oxide), submerged at high water level, and with a very uneven, lighter ceiling.



54183. View across the tunnel from the right wall before the beginning of the Kalvarija Hall with a rock outcrop, shaped like an open reptilian snout.



54184. An interesting eroded and smoothed stone in the riverbed, about half a meter in size, along the longer side



54186. Collapse in the Entrance Hall - view from the east...



54187. ... and from the south.



Related pages:



  Lanski vrh, August 22, 2024     Slovenian Littoral, September 4, 2024  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on September 15, 2024; date of the last change: September 17, 2024.
