Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Jama pod cesto v Rakovem Škocjanu (Cave under the road in Rakov Škocjan)
The magical power of young age

October 27, 2024, 31 pictures

          Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Jože Stražišar, of the Karlovica Caving Society (Jamarsko društvo Karlovica) contributed to the success of the excursion, so did his colleague Peter Žnidaršič, as well as Jakob Majdič and Matic Prevec from the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society. The names in the cave were in several instances given by the author.

          Page, texts and photos copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2024.


Cave under the road in Rakov Škocjan


54440. Entrance to the cave from the outside, after visiting the cave (the passage through the wet and also muddy passage to the lower level left its traces on the caving suit) ...

54411. ... and from the inside, at the beginning of the visit

54439. View back, along the tunnel, towards the entrance

54437. A little further from the entrance, a niche joins the tunnel on the right side, the floor of which is now only a thin and crumbling remnant of a former larger slab. Since it is close to the surface, there are many tree roots, including some more prominent ones ...

54410. ... while there are many finer root webs.

54438. Here, the rhizomes descend along the flowstone-covered slab, fed by rainwater that creeps over them.

54412. Cave locusts in the wall cavities

54436. Soon the entrance tunnel drops into a step of about five meters, which is climbable, with good footholds and hand grips, but the descent and ascent along the rope (pictured) is much safer.

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54414. Jakob and Matic proceeded through the passage at the bottom of the step to take a photo of the lower floor, while Jože and the author (Peter arrived a little later) went to the end of the cave to look for suitable motifs, which, when Jakob and Matic return, and Matic, we would tackle together. At the end, the tunnel gets more narrow and is slowly closed with flowstone deposits. In the photo is the left side end with lighter ceiling decorations and flowstone heaps of slightly darker and smoother shapes below. The beech ball on the heap has a diameter of 40 millimeters.

54415. View into the small chamber at the end of the tunnel, into which two windows lead, the upper one (left, not visible) and the lower one in the photo.

54417. Ceiling reflection on the water surface of a calcite pan

54420. Wider view of the end of the tunnel

54418. Jože used a carbide lamp, of a much warmer color than that of LED lamps, and when the phone camera's software tried to calculate the proper color balance, a colorful photo like this was created.

54421. Jakob

54422. Rimstone pools along the east wall of the tunnel, view back towards the entrance

54423. The most luxurious scene in the cave - a view to the north with the western wall of lavish stalactite folds.

54424. Flowstone ribs, soaked with water creeping over them, by Jakob's side.

54425. Raised niche on the western side of the tunnel, a little closer to the exit from the cave

54427. Small pans filled with black earth (the beech ball is still 40 mm in diameter) at the end of the passage leading to the lower floor of the cave.

54430. View back towards the passage ...

54429. ... and further into the tunnel

54431. Jakob in the little rock wall window

54433. The upper passage to the lowest floor of the cave, submerged during floods in the nearby field. View back...

54432. ... here in a slightly wider scene.

54434. White petrified rapids from the lateral niche

54435. Jože: Victory is ours!

New cave in Rakov Škocjan


54444. Matic and Jakob in the cave entrance, view from the outside...

54443. ... and from the inside.

54441. View from the lower part of the cave towards the entrance

54442. Matic and Jakob at the flowstone curtains at the cave bottom

54445. Stirring cave beauty

Related pages:



  Križna jama, October 24, 2024     New cave in Rakov Škocjan, October 31, 2024  


This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin, member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL). Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on November 8, 2024; date of the last change: November 16, 2024.
