The pictures on this page have the size of 128 times 192 pixels. A click on the picture or its name will enlarge it to 512 times 768. All 18 pictures taken by and copyright (c) P. Jakopin.
Kaunas - Vytauti Magni University
Stoyan Mihov
Hana Skoumalova
Auris Gruodis
Alexander Zubov
Hamdam Arzikulov
Anatole Shaikevich
Kaunas Town Hall
Erik-Jan van der Linden
Ingrid van Loon
Dafydd Gibbon
A detail from the opening reception
Jean-Pierre Chanod
Tilly Dutilh
Tamas Varadi
Uri Zernik
Markku Norberg
Nemunas and Neris rivers join at Kaunas on their way to Baltic sea