Pictures are aproximately 533 x 800 pixels in size. Numbers in front of the photo descriptions are the serial numbers of the original images. The picture of Kališe home was stiched together from two. Photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2014.
19853. View of the cave and the wall above its entrance from the eastern rim of the collapsed doline
19849. View out from the east of the bottom of Entrance hall
19848. Author of the pictures on the trail in the Entrance hall, view out
19850. View of the Entrance hall from the Dry tunnel, top center and bottom right have been additionally illuminated with LED torch.
19852. Large white rock in the Dry tunnel, front LED illumination
19851. Large white rock, LED illumination from behind the right side of the rock, legs and boots are partly visible.
19854. Crossroads at the end of Vajzova cesta, the usual parking place for visitors of Vranja jama, is at the side full of logs, mostly spruce. According to local sources, farmers were forced to cut down large numbers of spruce this winter because of spruce bark beetle (lubadar in Slovenian).
19855. Along Kališka cesta road in many places there are cut tree logs, too. Some traces of this activity are also visible at the monument at the crossroads to Grčarevec.
19856-57. Točkov dom, the only home in the Kališe flysch oasis (surrounded by limestone), site of many caving happenings half a century ago, is now renewed, even with satellite TV antenna and solar panels.
19862. Along the trail to the cave ferns and hart's-tongue ferns were enjoying the warm rain bath (at 12 deg. C), most unusual for mid-winter time.
19858. View of the cave entrance from the trail, the water table was middle-high.
19859. View of the first bridge, illuminated by LED flashlights, positioned only at the right edge of the picture.
19860. View of the same bridge, illuminated both from camera position and from the right edge of the picture.
19861. Rocks on the riverbank, top right LED illumination
19864. The trail to the river descends on the bottom of the side cave opening - view out.
19863. Upstream view from beneath the standard access route to the river below the Mali naravni most / Little Natural Bridge
19865. View downstream from the same standpoint - edges of the cave profile have been painted with a LED flashlight during a 20 second exposure, reflection of the downstream cave exit is seen as the keyhole lower right. High water prevented the crossing to the pebble beach, which would make possible a contre-jour LED illuminated picture from a standpoint deeper in the cave.
19866. The pillar of the Mali naravni most / Little Natural Bridge as seen from below
19867. Window in the northern wall, just above the Rak river
19868. View downstream from the last collapse before the entrance to the main tunnel of the cave
19869. Trees along the southern trail, which winds from the collapse below the Little Natural Bridge, are overgrown with ivy.
19870. Moss-covered tree trunks above the spring
19871. Downstream view of the spring
New Year's Day, Koča na gozdu to Vršič pass, Jan 1 Ice-from-frozen-rain-covered country, Razdrto to Planinska dolina, Feb 3