Pictures are aproximately 533 x 800 pixels in size. Numbers in front of the photo descriptions are the serial numbers of the original images. Photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2014.
20114. Down several slopes heavy envelope of frozen rain just capsized many beech trees.
20115. Broken beeches at the roadside
20116. Most forest roads remain unpassable, both because of a foot of unplowed snow and because of fallen trees.
20118. A beech at the parking lot has a sturdy, regular build; it lost many branches but will certainly survive.
20120. The access from the road to the Zelške jame caves trail is blocked by the sbow and large rocks.
20121. Picnic plateau at the Little Natural Bridge is a mess of fallen branches.
20122. Small beeches broke as if cut by a giant knife blow along the trunk, while large ones broke as if bent down slowly until the trunk broke into many splinters, a few meters long above and below the breaking point.
20131. Beech breaking point detail, some 2 meters above ground
20123. Little Natural Bridge arch, with broken trees hanging from it
20125. The slope down to the cave was covered with broken branches and, though it was raining for a few days, still with about half a meter of old snow.
20126. A capsized spruce that stabbed into the slope, breaking its top on the go, as depicted in the previous picture.
20124. The snow was covered with ice sticks, remnants of frozen rain that fell from the branches when the frost melted. In places it was possible to secure a good foothold in the snow with a strong step of the heel, as shown in the picture, in places the boot would make a hole all the way to the ground.
20127. View of the slope from the cave.
20128. The cave trail to Zelške jame was not passable any more - high water was even overflowing the little stone bridge above the Rak river, top center of the image.
20130. Rak river disappearing into the cave that leads to its source, about 200 meters downstream; the source cave entrance is visible as a keyhole lower right.
20132. It was not possible to reach the Tkalca jama cave and the Big Natural Bridge - the road from the northwest was blocked by fallen trees and the southeastern road ended here, flooded by the oncoming high water.
20133. Flooded road, up close
20134. The church and the meadow below it, still under snow
20136. View of Mt. Slivnica - the snow on the meadows already melted here.
20135. The moon at the border of the denser but lighter lower cloud, and of the darker but less dense clouds above it.
Ice-from-frozen-rain-covered country, Razdrto to Planinska dolina, Feb 3 From Tkalca jama to Planinska jama caves, Feb 14