Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Mačkovica, Laze, Tkalca jama, Planinska jama cave, Planina
February 23, 2014, 33 pictures

Pictures are aproximately 533 x 800 pixels in size. Numbers in front of the photo descriptions are the serial numbers of the original images. Photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2014.


Mačkovica cave


20339. Left side of the panoramic view of the lake in Mala dvorana hall



20340,1. Right side of the Mala dvorana hall panoramic view



20342. Camera lens cap marks the water level - it was less than 10 cm below the top pan rim, virtually the same as on Thursday, February 20, though the water level on Planinsko polje valley has risen by over 30 cm in the meantime.



20343. View of the dome in the Mala dvorana hall, and on February 20.





20346. Rain water was trickling down the concretion pillar opposite of the Samotar concretion.



20344. Close view of picture 20346



20345. Close view of the picture 20344



20347. Cave entrance, from the inside out





20348. View of the Kucelj with school building at right



20349. View of Planinska gora mountain across the lake, sunshine started to peek through the clouds after an otherwise dull day.



20350. View of the lake and a stack of submerged firewood from the lifted road below the school.



20351,2,3,4. Panoramic view of the top of the road slope from the south to Lošč valley



20358. The metal cork in the wall, center, to the right of the gutter tube, is supposed to mark the water level at the record flood in 1923.



20357. The doorstep of the garden door of the Laze 1 house was just submerged. Two days ago it was well above the water level.



20359. As is evidenced by the markings of the floating debris the water level started to decrease, by about 4 cm, for the first time since the flooding began 14 days ago.



20360. View of the southeastern part of the village from the school yard.



Tkalca jama cave, Rakov Škocjan


20361. The northern entrance of the cave is still submerged, the water level is about the same as it was on February 14.



Eastern (upper) entrance to Tkalca jama cave


20363. The eastern entrance is a lake, about the same it was on February 14.



End of the northwestern road to Rakov Škocjan inn


20365. The road ends at the beginning of the lime avenue.



20366. Submerged lime avenue, closer look



20367. Water level starts at the foot of the first lime at the right roadside.



To Planinska jama cave


20368. Power plant building is now submerged to just below the grey ground stripe; February 21 level.





20369. The trail bridge over Unica river is now partly submerged.



20378. Wastewater treatment plants in Cerknica and/or Postojna are not quite up to the task, as evidenced by this foam pile.



20379. Unice river flowing out of the cave.



20381. Water level in the cave entrance lake has fallen by another 5 cm since February 21.



20382. The same can be said for the trail bridge after the cave gate.





20383. Lower road through Planina, northbound, ends sooner than on February 21.



20384. The lower road is partly submerged, but passable to some 100 meters north of the trg.



20385. Passers by watching the lake, Cerje hill and the castle ruins at its foot



20386. French briard-like dog has nothing to be worried about, on solid ground well above the water.



20387. View south, to trg, from the lower road; and on February 21.



20389. The yield traffic sign on the crossroads below the graveyard is now to the neck in the water; on February 21 and on February 14.



  Planina, Planinska jama cave, Feb 21     Mačkovica cave, Laze, Feb 24  

This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to Page posted on February 23, 2014; date of last change February 25.