Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Cueva de San Marcos en Tenerife /
San Marcos Cave on Tenerife
February 10, 2015, 10 pictures

Pictures are 533 by 800 pixels in size, numbers in front of the photo descriptions are serial numbers of the original images.
Photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2015.

Cueva de San Marcos

is the second most interesting Tenerife cave, after the Cueva del Viento. It is over 3 km long, leads from the coast in the hill, in perpendicular direction, ascending slowly. There are two entrances, one in the cliff above the Playa de San Marcos, is well documented on the Internet, and the other is reached after 10 minutes of speedy walk from the first one. Its light is seen down into the main gallery, the entrance exits in a banana plantation, has gates. Unfortunately there was not enough time for a more proper photo description, additional pictures can be found on the page of an earlier visit in 2002.

24527. Simplified geological situation of the Icod de los Vinos surroundings. Dark red colour shows areas of Pahoehoe-type lava, suitable for cave development. Rough contours of Cueva de San Marcos and Cueva del Viento are depicted. The picture was taken in Icod de los Vinos, in the Cueva del Viento Visitor's Centre (Centro De Visitantes, Cueva Del Viento).




From the Banana Plantation Entrance back to the Main Entrance


24513. The main passage is wider at the top, with solidified lava tongues at the floor.




24517. The floor is normally flat, in places there are rocks, collapsed from the ceiling.




24518. A short section is lower and requires bending down, but crawling is not required.




24519. In places the tunnel gets narrower ...




24520. ... and wider again. Often the profile is wider at the top, as the lava flow was diminishing and solidified at the bottom side walls.




24522. Just before the exit, its reflection is seen on the left, the tunnel gets quite roomy.




24523. Final stretch before the entrance




24502. The entrance itself requires some bending down again, and as the entire cave is mud free, here there is about the only chance to get muddy trousers.




In the forest above Icod de los Vinos, close to one of the seven Cueva del Viento entrances


24528. Alfredo Láinez Concepción, president and founder of the Benisahare Grupo de Espeleología de Tenerife




  Cuevas de Roques de Garcia, February 9, 2015     Barranco Seco, from Tamaimo to the Sea, February 11, 2015  

This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to Page initiated on February 21, 2015; date of last change January 24.