The image, it features Matej Blatnik, is 683 times 1024 pixels. The number in front of picture description is the serial number of the original image file. Photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2015.
28296. It was all about three expeditions to this Himalayan mountain,
in 1972, 1975 and 2014. There were many new and interesting data, in
word and picture, from the first Slovenian alpine down jacket
(puhovka) as a garment of very handsome Jurij Kunaver (1956) to the
picture of the Manaslu glacier which had lowered, due to global warming,
by 20 meters from 1972 to 2014, and so its soil and gravel
banks, together with the grave of Nejc Zaplotnik, legendary Slovenian
climber who perished there in 1983, collapsed into the moving ice,
and to the extraordinary experience
when one of the lecturers, after returning from the height of 7.200 m
to the base camp, lost her sight and fell into a coma, in 2014. From this
height the researchers also brought down a sample of lichen, the
highest growing organism discovered so far. Matej told a lot of
interesting about the Makalu flora, it is similar to that of the
Julian Alps, only grows about 2.000 m higher. Edelweiss comes from
the Himalayas, and the gentians
which grow there are particularly beautiful. Matej already determined
over half of the species he found on the mountain slope, the
determination of the other plant remain as a task for the future,
when the Google search engine will be improved.
La Biennale di Venezia 2015, October 14 Rakov Škocjan, December 19
This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on December 10, 2015; date of counter reset and last change: February 25, 2017.