Images are approximately 683 x 1024 in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Excursion participants who also contributed to the making of the pictures: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Janez Ileršič - Ile, Marko Krašovec, Gregor Pintar - Stari, Metod Di Batista, Marjan Baričič, Rok Brajkovič and Primož Jakopin - Klok.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2016.
29402. Žan splitting the whitebeam, Sorbus aria, tree log, a very sturdy species. The first hit pushed the axe just a bit into the log ...
29403. ... so another blow on the axe butt was required ...
29404. ... which finally did the job.
29401. Another smooth operator - Žan engaged in phone (ex-army surplus) conversation with the underground worksite
29405. Marjan on a natural bridge above the meander shaft, from where Rok's light is visible
29406. Rok (below) is hauling up the shaft a rock-filled bucket over a pulley
29410. View of Rok atop the meander shaft, waiting ...
29411. ... to lower an empty bucket.
29407. Rok, top light
29409. Rok, in the shadow
29412. The three from the meander front line: Gregor, Marjan (both nicknamed Stari in mutual conversation) and Metod
29413. Cave cricket, Troglophilus neglectus, hiding in the wall indentation, meander atop the inner shaft
29414. Tevje, Hacquetia epipactis, at the cave entrance
29415. Ile and Žan amidst a vivid discussion about what happened in Žan's elementary school during a photography darkroom practice, where Žan, his schoolmate Buco, the teacher (completely innocent and unsuspecting) as well as the teacher's daughter, also a schoolmate of Žan and Buco, were present; off-the-record activity, in the darkest corner of faintly-lit darkroom involved deep breathing.
29416. The fire place
Galacijevka Cave Canal, Day 10, March 31 Mirador del Río, Lanzarote, April 17
This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on April 15, 2016; date of counter reset and date of last change: February 25, 2017.