Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Mirador del Río, Lanzarote

April 17, 2016, 12 pictures

Images are approximately 683 x 1024 in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.

All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2016.


Flight to Lanzarote


29428. View forward of the plane cabin from the row 11



29429. View of the northern tip of Lanzarote with port of Órzola and Isla La Graciosa



29430. View through the cabin window with plane's engine, the sea and the clouds



Arrecife Airport


29431. Lanzarote logo by César Manrique





29433. A reflection on art by César Manrique: El arte es posiblemente el sentimiento emocional más profundo ante la visión contemplativa del perfecto equilibrio del Universo. / Art is possibly the most profound human emotion before the contemplative vision of the perfect balance of the universe.



Mirador del Río


29435. Sun reflections in the sea, across Playa del Risco and the southern tip of Isla La Graciosa with Montana Amarilla



29437. View north-northwest along the cliff, saltpans at Playa del Risco, Isla la Graciosa and Isla Alegranza are in the background



29438. Spurge, probably Euphorbia berthelotii



29439. View south along the cliff, bahia de Famara in the background



29440. Long telephoto view of Playa del Risco



29443. Falcon on the cliff edge



29446. Sunset



  Galacijevka Cave Canal, Day 12, April 15     Cuevas de Puerta Falsa, Lanzarote, April 19  

This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate). Page initiated on May 4, 2016; date of counter reset and date of last change: February 25, 2017.
