Images are approximately 683 x 1024 in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2016.
29499. View of the early morning skyline over the Atlantic, from the plateau below Haría and high above Arrieta
29500. César Manrique's mobile creation, one of many, on the main road roundabout. It rotates in the wind and also makes some deep but unobtrusive sound.
29501. Fuller view of the roundabout with Manrique's mobile
29502. Timetable of the boats to La Graciosa, Líneas Marítimas Romero
29503. Timetable of the boats to La Graciosa, Biosfera Express
29504 - 29508. Panoramic view of the La Graciosa island from the boat
29510 - 29511. Panoramic view of the northern tip of Lanzarote island from the west
29512. Three sort-of-seagulls on the port quay
29513. The road from Caleta de Sebo to Playa de las Conchas is bumpy for cars but wide for walking - it takes and hour and a half at a moderate pace. Montaña Aguja Grande is to the right, Montaña Clara island top left.
29514. Montaña Aguja Grande, close view
29515. A stream, flowing only during heavy rains, eroded the eastern flank of Montaña del Mojón and along this wall a natural shade could be found.
29516. A group of, very probably German speaking, hikers
29523. The road with Montañas Agujas in the distance
29524. The road above Playa de las Conchas, below Montaña Bermeja
29525. It is a really large beach.
29526. Sunbathers on the beach, telephoto view gives a wrong impression that they are close to the waterline.
29530 - 29532. Panoramic view of the Montaña Clara island across the sea
29533. Astydamia latifolia in the dune above the beach, it must have blossomed in March. A good source for the Lanzarote flora.
29536 - 29537. Sail-like sunshade in strong wind
29539. The sand, the sea and the sky
29546. Red flag above the beach indicated that the swimming is most strongly discouraged. Even approaching the waterline on this beach can be deadly - on December 27, 2013, a French family lost the father, 47, and a daughter, 11, who approached the waterline and were swept away by a large wave.
29547. Telephoto view of Montaña Bermeja from the south
29549. A palm tree, or better, bush, growing in the wild, never watered, on its own
29551. Biosfera Express passenger boat is entering the port
29553. View of the cliff of the northern Lanzarote cape from the northwest, from the boat
29555. Logo of the Reserva Marina de la Isla Graciosa e Islotes del Norte de Lanzarote by César Manrique, 1985, ceramic tiles
29556. View south, to Playa de Famara and beyond, down the precipitous cliff
Cuevas de Puerta Falsa, Lanzarote, April 19 Playa de Famara, Lanzarote, April 21
This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on May 4, 2016; date of counter reset and date of last change: February 25, 2017.