Images are approximately 683 x 1024 in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2016.
29569. Rented car, an Opel GTC, 140 HP, front and port side, from higher viewpoint. The company, Cabrera Medina, had no car available in the least expensive category so the GTC was offered instead. It was a real pleasure to drive, 6 speeds, extremely cozy ride - 100 km/h at 2,100 rpm. The only drawback was the lack of 4 doors to load and unload the backpacks, hats more easily.
29570. Surfer, preparing to raise himself from the water, on the wave ...
29571. ... just up ...
29572. ... riding on the wave ...
29573. ... and collapsing back in the wave.
29596. Cobbles, the sand, the sea with a reef in the distance, the sky
29600. View north along the beach, to the viewpoint on the cliff, west of Haría - Mirador de Haría
29605. Rocks in the shallow sea
29606. Volcanic cobbles on the beach (prodnjaki in Sl.)
29615. Late afternoon skyline with sun through the sparse clouds, reflected in the sea
Isla la Graciosa, April 20 Cueva del Este, Puerta Falsa, Lanzarote, April 22
This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on May 4, 2016; date of counter reset and date of last change: February 25, 2017.