Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who all contributed to the making of these pictures (family names are as of 1967): Tadeja Misson, Miran Saje, Meta Štoka, Radojka Verčko, Matjaž Vodušek, Mišo Vidmar, Mojca Zaletel, Sinja Zemljič, Nubia Zrimec (spouse of the our late schoolmate Miran Zrimec) and Bojana Žokalj - Boja.
All pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin except 32430 - photo and copyright (c) Mojca Engels, 32437 - photo and copyright (c) Miran Saje and 32451, where the credits go to Meta Debevec.
32417. View upstream, of the rocky outcrop (Igla) from a rocky pier on the other (western) bank of Savinja river. Sinja's car can be seen lower right.
32418. View of the southeastern part of the graveyard, with Mt. Velika Raduha (2.062 m a. s. l.) in the background
32419. Tombstone of the Roban (Vršnik) family from Robanov kot valley
32420. Grave of Marija Susić ...
32421. ... and Jaroslav Sigur, lovers and mountain goers (aged 22 and 28) who took their lives on February 27, 1938 because of unfortunate love (she was married). Click here for a report (in Slovenian) of the sad event, after which the couple was nicknamed "Solčava Romeo and Juliet".
32423. We walked to the end of the forest road, close to the upper end of the valley. Here horses immediately noticed that Meta was eating an apple.
32425. This mare also got curious ...
32426. ... approached and ...
32427. ... turned to the side.
32429. View out of the cavern above the trail to the waterfall, Mojca ...
32430. ... and Primož
32431. The waterfall, at 105 m (in all) the second tallest in Slovenia
32432. The waterfall and Meta
32433. View towards the south, with the fog and clouds lifting over the ridge, landscape ...
32434. ... and portrait view
32435. Radojka and Miran at the foot of the waterfall, wide view ...
32436. ... and up-close
32437. Radojka and Primož
32438. On a footbridge: Primož, Mojca, Nubia, Tadeja, Mišo and Meta, Sinja, Matjaž, Radojka and Miran
32439. A snack: bread, low-fat curd, garlic, homemade plum jam, diluted aronia juice
32441. Tadeja, Meta and Sinja at rim of the dry Savinja river stream bed
32442. Meta, Sinja and Tadeja at the stream bed of piedmont gravel, that is now used for construction, with cloudy mountains in the background
32444. Meta in front of a wall of old river deposits into which the river now carved a lower bed.
32443. A cavern in the gravel wall, Meta
32445. Meta started to scale a large boulder ...
32446. ... and after some finger-tip climbing ...
32447. ... she reached the top.
32449. Meta in the riverbed strait, against the sun
32450. Top of high torrential barrier, Meta ...
32451. ... and Primož instead of Meta
32452. Meta and Boja, who, in contrast to other debates too often related to geriatric medical aspects, revealed some striking developments in the recent family affairs
32453. Meta's lunch: gobova juha z ajdovimi žganci / mushroom soup with buckwheat spoonbread
32454. A belt of sunshine poured down the Kamniško sedlo / Kamnik Saddle
32455. Another lunch: cooked potatos, cooked vegetables and some veal from the stew, contributed by Tadeja
32458. Mountain ridges to the west with Mt. Ojstrica (2.350 m a. s. l.) top left
32460. View of Matkov kot / Matk Corner valley below the mountains
32461. Wider view of Matkov kot
32462. Mojca below a birch grove
32463. Meta reclining on a birch stump
32464. Mojca and Meta inside a hay barn
32465. Front view of lintvern / baby dragon statue, a signpost and trademark of all the attractions along the panoramic road
32466. Lintvern, side view
32467. Izvir Železna kisla voda / Iron mineral water spring, also rich in magnesium and calcium, the only of its kind in Slovenia
32468. Mišo in front of a small chapel
32469. View south to the ridges southwest of Mt. Raduha
32472. Meta at a small outbuilding, richly surrounded by flowers and ivy
Wedding in Brda, Slovenia / A Few Close Impressions, September 17 Mala Planina and Velika Planina / Little Pasture and Big Pasture Plateaus in the Kamnik Alps, September 25
This page and most of the photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on September 22, 2016; date of last change April 7, 2018.