Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Jamovka Cave, Cad. Nr. 107
Entrance Shaft

March 19, 2017, 11 pictures

Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files.

All the pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.


34677. The cave is, according to the cadastre data, 78 m long and 10 m deep, the biggest Pokojišče cave. It is situated some 50 m south of the Pokojišče - Vrhnika road, and, as can be seen from this road sign, 1.7 km from the village - view east.



34665. From the road (in the background) a clearly visible trail leads to the cave. In the picture - view of the entrance shaft below a large spruce, as it is in the pasture it used to be fenced by boards.



34666. The cave developed along the vertical crack in approximate east-west direction - view down the entrance shaft towards the western continuation.



34676. 3 m entrance shaft is easy to climb down - view from the inside, from the west.



34671. The cave is free of litter, with the exception of these 3 herbivore bones, one is a lower jaw.



34672. Spider's web in the cave



34675. View of the main cave continuation on the western side of the crack - too narrow to pass without caving suit, and probably, without a rope.



34674. Closer view of the continuation



34670. A smaller side continuation, ESE direction, in the middle of the entrance shaft bottom



34667. A rather narrow continuation is also on the eastern side of the crack - suitable for some very slim caver.



34669. Closer view of this continuation



  Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 32, March 16     Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 33, March 22  

This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to Page initiated on March 19, 2017; date of last change March 25.
